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Love, can't protect you now. The love that I can feel, it'll only break you down.

Run, Baby, Run -The Rigs

The city is New York on steroids

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The city is New York on steroids. It is so majestic, so clean, so modern, nothing like how I imagined Wakanda. Walking down the ramp of the Quinjet, I see the Cat-Man standing in front of Steve and Winter. My blood heats for a second when I think about the animosity between the trio. However once I see the three smile, my blood cools again, seeing there is no grudge between any of them.

The Cat-Man looks away from Steve and Winter, his eyes landing on Peter and I. His gaze drops to my shoulder, looking into his mind, I can see his is remembering wound he gave me earlier on.

"It's completely healed." I tell the Cat-Man, my voice only minimally louder than the voice I have been using since escaping.

"Elena Maximoff." He greets, his voice light. "I wish to apologise for the wound I inflicted on you. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know." He explains, and raises his hand for me to shake. I stand there staring at it for a couple of moments until Peter steps in.

"I'm Peter. Peter Parker. I hope you are well Your Highness." He stumbles a little over his words and I want to laugh at his nervousness when greeting the Cat-Man. But its like laughter has become another language, one I can't speak anymore.

"Please call me T'challa." The Cat-Man asks all of us having retracted his hand. "Now I will have some of the Dora Milaje escort you to your rooms. Mr. Barnes, if I could have a word?" Winter looks to the Cat-Man and nods his head, while some women dressed in spectacular warrior outfits lead us into the massive building ahead of us.

I clutch Peter's hand tighter as we enter the building. It's all so modern, years ahead of any technology I've seen. Even Tony's tech. We are led to an elevator which takes us up to the top floor, which is a vast open room overlooking the city.

"Each of you have your own rooms, and this floor will only be occupying you and your team Captain Rogers." One of the warrior woman informs. Steve nods and the woman leaves the room without another word.

I still clutch Peter's hand tightly, not willing to part with him just yet. Looking around the room it's beautifully decorated, much more than I'd thought we'd receive after our misunderstanding with the Wakandan King.

There is a large circular sofa that could easily fit all of us on it comfortably, and an electronic fireplace in front, that sizzled and sputtered sporadically. There is also a large kitchen, with an island bench that rivalled the size of the one in the Avengers compound. The far wall is a line of glass windows, the city shining below. On our closest side were doors that possibly led to bedrooms and bathrooms.

Peter pulls a little on my hand and we walk towards one of the doors. Opening it, we are greeted by a gorgeously decorated room in light colours. Greeted by too much light. It feels wrong to be sitting in a room so light, on a bed so soft, with a head so filled with dark.

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