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Won't you follow me into the jungle?  Ain't no God on these streets in the heart of the jungle.

Jungle, X Ambassadors & Jamie N Commons

Jungle, X Ambassadors & Jamie N Commons

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The process repeated. After-school - go on patrol with Peter, nights - go on missions. I had fallen back into my role as an Avenger. The patrols with Peter were fun and easy, compared to the tense missions with the team. Steve and Sam had been trying to find somebody, usually taking me on missions with them to follow a lead, though they never mentioned who it was we were trailing after. On a few of these missions, Wanda and Nat tagged along, usually finding things the boys always seemed to miss. It was fulfilling to be able to knuckle down and all work towards something, something that would be beneficial instead of deteriorative.

The patrols with Peter would usually become the highlight of my day, us stopping off to see Mr. Delmar, before changing into our suits and looking out for the neighbourhood. On multiple occasions, rather than stop robberies or fight the villains, Peter would interact with the people of Queens, offering directions, rescuing cats, stopping pick-pockets. It was really quite endearing, watching this selfless boy be so caring and down-to-earth. Watching this boy who I had grown so close to, using his pure heartedness to help those around him.

Another thing I had noticed between Peter and I, was the garnet red line that tied him and I together, was constant. It was no longer flickering in and out, only a strong line of vibrant colour. It was slightly unnerving, seeing this line always appearing between us, likewise was the rich blue line tying my sister and I together. The lines were something I hadn't really heeded much attention to, yet now with the continual recurrence, I had begun to question if the abilities I had control over were the only abilities I had. Wanda and I once delved into the list of suspected abilities I had gained since Ultron injecting his serum into my neck. I was an empath, telepath and had telekinetic abilities. Wanda speculated that my strange dreams were actually somewhat prophetic, leading to the possibility of me being able to see the future.

The still growing list of abilities was daunting. Terrifying even. I didn't know how I was going to be able to master control over all of them, which was imperative. I didn't want to lose control and hurt someone. With the aid of multiple people at the Avengers compound, I could safely reign in my telepathic and telekinetic abilities, but I still hadn't been able to regulate the dreams. Waking up every night, with screams of pain lingering in my ears.

Tony's suit had also proved to need upgrading to keep up with my powers, but still remained essentially the same. He and I had grown closer, his sarcasm reminding me of my brothers, something I dearly missed. I had started to see how he would hide his emotions through sarcasm and arrogance, yet with my empath abilities, he wasn't able to hide them from me. We had opened up to one another about our trauma. Our loss. He had apologised to Wanda and I privately for manufacturing.

Today had been the same as usual, banter with Tony, laughing with Wanda, debating with Steve. The day had passed pretty quickly, until Steve came into my room later that night.

"Hey kid, Wanda." He greets Wanda and I, who are looking through old photo's that Wanda had found of us when we were younger.

"Hey Steve. What's up?" I ask, noticing a file in his hands. A rather thick file.

"We got a location." He explains vaguely, dropping the file on my desk. Walking over to it, I open it up with a gasp on one side I see a man with the caption 'ex-HYDRA sleeper agent, Brock Rumlow'. Yet the bit that surprises me is the photo opposite, the photo of a face I know all to well.

"Isn't that..." Wanda breathily asks, her eyes lingering on the face I recognise. My eyes are glued to the photo, thinking that I'll blink and it'll be gone.

"You know him?" Steve asks us, point to the photo, and I nod my head, memories rolling like a film reel.

"You could say that..." I mumble quietly, Steve having gotten his answer, turns to leave the room, but stops on the threshold before looking back at us.

"Suit up. We're going to Lagos." Wanda and Steve both go to get ready, leaving the photo of Winter staring up at me. 

a/n: I know very short - and I'm not too happy with it but hopefully will get around to editing it soon :) As always let me know what you think!

Thanks lovelies xx

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