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These boots are made for walkin', and that's just what they'll do. One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.

These Boots Are Made For Walkin', Nancy Sinatra. 

It had been a few days since I'd opened up to Peter, and I keep asking myself why I didn't do it sooner

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It had been a few days since I'd opened up to Peter, and I keep asking myself why I didn't do it sooner. He had been so understanding, yet nothing had changed, other than perhaps the fact that we had grown closer. So close, that the presence of his mind would always calm me, no matter how worked up I was at the time. One thing I didn't want to dwell on was the garnet red line that seemed to tie Peter and I together, and flickered in and out randomly. Another line had appeared between Wanda and I, a lapis blue, that seemed to constantly be tied between us, I hadn't yet told Wanda, as I didn't understand it myself.

Aside from the unexplainable lines I had noticed, the bags under Peter's eyes never seemed to disappear, nor would the tired glaze to his stance. He was also never able to do thing straight after school let out. Something I was suspicious of to say the least, and was leading to me becoming more and more worried about him. Managing to bypass Flash and the light brown line that ties him to me, I quickly navigate my way towards Ned and Peter.

"Hey Guys." I call as I reach them, smiling brightly. Breaking up their possibly tense conversation.

"Hey Elly." Ned replies, a cheeky smirk resting on his face. "You gonna say hi Peter, or gonna leave this gorgeous friend of ours without a greeting." He accuses Peter.

"H-hey Lena." Peter stutters out, making my eyes widen slightly.
"You ok Peter?" I ask, my eyebrows scrunching in confusion. He has never stuttered in front of me since that first day, making me fear what it could possibly mean.

"Yeah, Ned's just being an idiot." He smiles, though it doesn't reach his eyes, not truly genuine. Smiling back the same, I turn to Ned, who begins to animatedly talk about the upcoming Star Wars movie. As we walk to our first class, I'm not paying attention to Ned, nor Peter, but rather the unsaid words from before. My anxious brain going into overdrive, trying to decipher the meaning of Peter's stutter. Turning one more corner, I see my English room sitting down on the right, and without saying goodbye to Ned, or waiting for Peter, I enter and take my designated seat. Pulling out my now tattered copy of Much Ado About Nothing, I flip to my favourite scene - Act two, scene one. Beatrice's repartee manages to distract my thoughts from the matter at hand, for a few moments, that is until a crumpled piece of paper lands on my table. I notice the messy script on the front, and don't deign to open it, only passing it back to the culprit sitting behind me. I don't receive any notes after that. If I had somehow upset him, or made things different between us, I didn't want to aggravate it.

English passes. As does Biology, Math and Physics. Until it was lunchtime. Seeing Ned at our usual table, I navigate the cafeteria before plopping down into my usual spot next to him. Glancing up he gives me a nod, then returns to the lined paper sat in front of him. I notice the page as the History paper that was due today. In fact, due straight after lunch. Ned had this little habit, I had noticed, revolving around his aversion to homework.

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