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I'm gonna fight them off. A seven nation army couldn't hold me back.

Seven Nation Army, Zella Day 

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Dust, and rumble. All that my eyes can see. Scanning the layout before me, bodies suddenly pop up out of nowhere. A robotic woman, of purple and blue. A man with a golden chain hanging from his neck. Tony Stark, and one person who I didn't expect to see. Peter Parker. Stark looks as though he is silently fuming, his anger and despair directed towards the golden chained man.

"Tony, there was no other way." He states solemnly, before his body disintegrates and what remains blows away. Horror fills me. This man who was just alive, disappeared and became dust. My eyes glued to where he last stood, I don't notice Peter stumbling slightly.

"Mr. Stark?" He asks weakly, and I see Stark's face pale with horror and disbelief. "I don't feel so good..." He admits before stumbling into Stark, who gently lays him on the ground. His hands begin to shake and tears build in his eyes.

"You're all right." Stark states, more to himself than anyone else.

"I don't know whats... I don't know what's happening." He admits, his voice shaking with terror and uncertainty. "I don't...I don't wanna go...I don't wanna go Mr. Stark, please." He pleads to Stark, emotion begins to overwhelm me, seeing this boy that I had known as my friend in this position. "Please, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna leave Lena, I don't wanna leave her..." He breaks off before looking into Stark's eyes, with grief and sadness. "Tell Lena I'm sorry." He says before coming ashes in the wind, blowing out of Stark's arms.


Jolting upright in bed, my breaths heave in and out, sobs choking me as I replay the scene in my head. Peter, Ned and I had all formed a tight friendship group, to the point where I had begun to laugh again, at any and everything. I bring my knees up to my chest and sob into them, trying to muffle the pained sounds escaping my mouth. The darkness of the room doesn't comfort me one bit and I pull my phone from the bedside table quickly unlocking it, turning on the flashlight. Rocking back and forth I try to ease some of pain spearing through my chest. A quiet knock sounds on my door, and I look curiously up at it. Hastily wiping off the remaining tears on my cheeks, I opened the door to see Wanda standing outside, her eyebrows etched in concern.

"Dreams again?" She asks, seeing my tear stains and puffy eyes. All I do, is nod my head. She pulls me into her arms and I silently sob into her shoulder. After a few moments I pull away and move to sit on the edge of the bed. Resting my head in my hands, I'm vaguely aware of my sister closing the door before coming to sit beside me.

"Was is about Pietro?" She asks quietly. After finding myself again through the friendship I'd created with Ned and Peter, I had managed to say his name aloud again. Allowed myself to let his name pass my lips, and honour his memory, instead of only thinking of the void he left behind. A void that my sister and new friends had been starting to slowly fill.

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