Chapter 21: Trying to Build Bonds of Friendship

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    With a blush on your face and a big smirk on Kaito's you two began to walk around the school.
"Aren't you even a bit curious as to what your video contains?" You  inquired.
"Shouldn't we all know who the most important person is to us? You can't trust anything Monokuma says it's safer to not see the videos." Kaito sighed.
"Yeah I know that already it's just I am a bit curious but at the same time I don't want to know." You admitted and he nodded understanding what you mean.

"I promise you Y/N we'll get out of here and we can see everyone in person and not behind a stupid Monopad!" Kaito beamed with a huge grin on his face.  His smile was infectious and you found yourself smiling too.
"My man." You heard Ryoma say with a winking and giving Kaito a fist bump. "I always knew you two would get together. It was kind of obvious the way you two would always look at each other." Ryoma chuckled causing you and Kaito be embarrassed.

"Geeez Ryoma you don't have to embarrass us like that." Kaito sighed scratching his head.
"I didn't even get to the real embarrassing stuff like the things you would say about her to me and Shuichi." Ryoma laughed and Kaito's face was as red as a beet.
  "Oh what would he say?" You asked with a small smirk on your face and Ryoma just laughed even harder. The more he laughed the more curious you got.
  "Welll-" Ryoma began.
"Ryoma." Kaito quickly cut off trying to hide his red face.
"Sorry Y/N bro confidentiality...but I'll say this it was all good things and the look on his face whenever he got the chance to talk about you oooo boy." Ryoma said shaking his head and then walked away without another word.

"Geez that Ryoma..." Kaito sighed looking away.
"Awww that's so cute you talked about me to your friends before we were even together." You blushed giving him a hug.
  "Hey Y/N tonight at nighttime can you come to the courtyard?" Kaito asked.
"Why you want to make out again?" You questioned giggling.
No! I mean- yes! But no not this time it isn't like that. It's going to be some bonding exercises. I'm going to try to get sidekick  Shuichi to come too." Kaito answered wrapping his arm around you.

"Sure I'll go. But for right now I think I'm going to go visit some other friends." You responding giving the Luminary of the Stars a wink and waving to him.  "See you tonight!"
   "See you tonight North Star!" Kaito beamed giving you a thumbs up. You gave him one last smile and then you made your way to Miu's Ultimate Lab. You decided to go hang out with her today to try to get to know her better as well as see if she made any cool inventions. You opened the door and your eyes widened to see Kokichi and Miu in a precarious situation.
"Y/N!" Kokichi and Miu screamed.
You were dumbfounded to see them together and you didn't even want to describe what you saw. Your mouth was agape and you didn't know what to say.
"Are you just going to stand there like a slacked jawed village idiot!?" Miu growled.
"It's just a kiss Y/N. Stop acting disgusted." Kokichi laughed trying to downplay the situation and you were still flabbergasted.
"And you better not tell anyone or else there will be serious consequences!" Miu screamed pointing at you and glaring daggers at you.

"I umm just....I..." You stuttered and then placed your hands on top of your head. "Oh my gosh!" You yelled realizing that everything sunk in and you grabbed the door slammed it shut with Miu echoing "consequences!" as you ran away. You ran to Maki's Ultimate Lab and you saw her guarding her door with a look of annoyance and a bit of sadness on her face.
"Maki!" You called out and she looked at you her red eyes wide surprised to see you.
"Y/N? I didn't expect you to come here." Maki sighed looking away. You took a seat next to her trying to slow down your breathing.
"What happened!? Did someone try to kill you?! Just give me their name and I'll-" Maki growled and an aura of anger enveloped her.
"No one tried to kill me I almost wish they had though." You breathed out.
"What happened?" She asked staring at you.

"I saw Miu and Kokichi passionately kissing and embracing." You began until she held up her hand with a look of disgust on her face.
"Stop! I don't need to know anymore I don't want any images of that idiotic Kokichi and brainless Miu in my head let alone images of them being a...couple." Maki shivered her face just had disgust written all over it.
"But we can't tell anyone." You said.
"I don't even want to know myself...I regret asking." Maki replied. " you think they'll tell everyone?"
"Probably might have only been a simple kiss though maybe they aren't together." You reasoned and Maki shrugged.
" far you and Kaito are the only couple in this killing game but..." Maki trailed off her eyes filled with sadness.
"But what?" You asked.
"Isn't it weird to fall for someone in the killing game? Knowing that person could be taken from you at any given moment." Maki inquired.

"Well honestly I think it's weird falling for someone at anytime killing game or not because even in the outside world nothing is a guarantee. But you know having someone whether it's a romantic relationship or just a friendship it can help you in so many ways. Even in this killing game because they help you stay motivated to survive and you have even more of a reason to want to get out of this place and you have someone to protect." You explained to her and she simply nodded and then sighed.
"Yeah...I guess you're right." Maki agreed and then a small grin appeared on her face. "You and Kaito are a really cute couple I hope you both make it out of here alive."
"I hope so too and I also hope you make it out of here alive with us." You giggled and then the nighttime announcement came. You stood up and Maki stayed sitting.
"I'm gonna guard for a few more minutes. You go get some rest."
"I'll see you tomorrow Maki." You smiled and waved goodbye and made your way to the courtyard to meet up with Kaito and Shuichi.

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