Chapter 3: Let the Killing Game Begin

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You and Kaito arrived at the gym in what felt like seconds because you two were talking about everything and nothing at the same time but it was an enjoyable conversation. As you entered you and Kaito were laughing.
"You're a blast!" Kaito laughed.
"Woow it's amazing how you two can laugh in a situation like this. I'm shocked that nerd girl and astro boy are friends." Kokichi laughed.
"Can't hear you, I'm Neptune-ing you out." You said and Kaito laughed.
"We don't even know our situation! Leave them alone ya dummy!" Miu yelled.
"I agree with Miu. Once we actually know our situation then we can either be serious or take it easy." Rantaro stated.
"Geez sorry." Kokichi frowned. "But maybe I wanted to hang out with Y/N. But if I said I want to that'd just be a lie she seems like a nuisance."

  You rolled your eyes not letting his comment get to you but you saw Kaito clenching his fist.
"Why you little-!" Kaito yelled.
"Kaito why do you care you just met her. Geez you people trust too easily." Kokichi sighed.
"Can we talk about more important matters?"  Maki sighed.
"All 17 of us have gathered." Kirumi stated pointing out the obvious.
"Hmm it's pretty spectacular seeing all 17 of us Ultimates gathered together." Kaito smiled.
"Kehehe...You may not be able to be so easygoing for much longer." Korekiyo cryptically said.
In this situation it's no use thinking about things. So Tsumugi stopped thinking." Tsumugi said.
"Tsumugi needs to stop referring to herself in third person and not thinking won't get us anywhere. We all have to use our brains. If you guys even have a brain that is." You sighed.
"Nyeeeeh what's going to happen to us? I bet it will be a big pain." Himiko complained.
"Hmmm." Tenko smiled.
"What? What are you looking at?" Himiko asked.
"Um Himiko you can use amazing powers right? Cuz you're a psychic and stuff right?" Tenko asked.
"I'm not a psychic I'm a mage." Himiko corrected.
"Whoaaaa! That's amazing! I definitely wanna incorporate that into Neo-Aikido!" Tenko happily exclaimed. "What sort of training did you undergo to get your magical powers?"
"Talking about it is too tiring." Himiko sighed looking at the ground.
"You're pretty lazy." Kaede commented.

"Pardon me but...we need to be on our guard. We do not know if and when danger will strike." K1-B0 stated.
"Yeah you're right those bears could come at any moment." You murmured.
"Don't say that I'm so scared I don't know what to do." Kokichi frowned.
"There is no need to worry Atua will protect us." Angie smiled.
"Phew! That's a relief!" Kokichi excitedly said and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Is your brain full of weeds or something!? I'll whack 'em outta that skull of yours!?" Miu yelled raising her hand.
"Don't worry about it. Just leave it to me." Kaito reassured.
"You're going to knock the weeds out of people's skulls?" You asked with a laugh.
"What!? No! I mean if those teddy bears show themselves I'll kick all their butts!" Kaito declared.

You looked at him skeptically. "I'm not sure if I should trust that."
"I'll keep you safe! That's another promise!" Kaito grinned.
"I think I can keep myself safe but thanks." You replied.
"...Huh? What that?" Gonta asked.
"What's what?" You asked confused.
"Hm what's wrong?" Ryoma asked.
"Listen hear that?" Gonta asked.
When Gonta said that you began to listen more intently and since the gym got so quiet you could hear a pin drop you started to hear mechanical noises.
"That doesn't sound good." You muttered and when you finished you looked around at the five machines that were surrounding everyone.
"Yooo-hooo! Rise and shine ursine!" The machines spoke.
You were petrified looking at the machines. Your eyes widened and you felt your blood go cold as you stared in horror.
"Get back." Kaito commanded pulling you behind him.
"No everyone behind Gonta!" Gonta yelled.
"Wh-what are these monsters?!" Tenko gasped.
"Whooooooaaa! So cool!" Kokichi exclaimed in awe at the machines.
"They're Exisals highly mobile bipedal weapons platforms. They got lotsa hometown pride too!" Monokid exclaimed.
"I can't keep track of these backstories." Monosuke sighed.

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