Chapter 11: One Day Closer

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You and Kaito walked away from the others and as you were you could hear them giggling and whispering and you were hoping that Kaito didn't hear what they were whispering.
  "Those guys are acting weird aren't they?" Kaito softly asked. 
"Yeah they are maybe it's the stress of the additional motive?" You suggested and Kaito sighed messing with his hair.
"Yeah maybe you're right." Kaito agreed. "Have you thought of a better plan?"
"No I haven't but I wonder what Kokichi is thinking it seems as if he's always scheming." You commented and Kaito nodded.
"I'm wondering that too. Hopefully he isn't thinking of doing something stupid." Kaito replied.
"Or Miu hasn't killed him." You piped in.
"That too." Kaito agreed.  Kaito then suddenly stopped and looked up and you did the same. You looked up at the dark night sky that reminded you that it was nighttime and you were now getting a bit closer to the time limit being up.

"Sometimes I wonder what I'm going to do after we defeat Monokuma after we get out of here." Kaito muttered his lilac eyes had a twinkle of determination and hopefulness for the future.
"You're going to go to space." You smiled causing Kaito to chuckle.
"That's what I would like to do but I know I still have a lot of training ahead of me. But I won't give up! I will go to space no matter what!" Kaito vowed you could tell he was committed to going to space and he was passionate about it.
"I know you will I dare say you have what it takes to do it." You replied.
"But I'm probably going to be in space for a long time and it's dangerous up there. Since I'm still in training right now will you help me train?" Kaito asked looking at you with a huge grin on his face.
"Oh...I'm not much of an athlete." You shyly replied scratching your head.
"I don't mean just working out and you don't have to work out with me if you don't want to what I mean is just keep doing what you're doing now." Kaito stated and you were confused by what he meant.

"Keep doing what I'm doing now?" You asked tilting your head. "I don't think I comprehend."
"I can't explain it but just seeing you makes me smile and makes me not worried. You help me believe that we can make it out of here alive and when I'm getting onto that rocket ship I want you to be the last person I see on Earth and the first person I see coming back." Kaito declared with a smirk. You looked at him and he was one hundred percent serious.
"Kaito..." You smiled looking into his eyes. "I'm honored you think of me as such a good friend. Truth be told you help me believe as well."
"See it works out then!" Kaito laughed but his laugh didn't reach his eyes. "Come on its nighttime we should get to bed."

"Yeah you're right." You agreed and the two of you began walking back to the dorms. You waved goodbye as you two went your separate ways. You opened your door and once you got inside you locked it and flopped on the bed.
"The time limit is getting closer and closer soon the time limit will be here. I wonder if we can truly make it out of this game." You sighed closing your eyes and going to sleep.

You awoke to the morning announcement and it was officially 8 a.m. and you still wanted to sleep. But fighting that urge you got up and got ready for the day.
"The time limit expires tomorrow at 10 p.m." You sighed. Not wanting to think about the inevitable outcome you decided to go to the dining room. When you entered the dining room only Shuichi, Kaede, and Miu were there.

"Hey good morning." You greeted.
"Oh good morning Y/N." Kaede smiled.
"Good morning." Shuichi said.
"What do you want?" Miu asked. "I'm going to be busy with what they want."
"Um I didn't want anything I was just wondering where everyone was." You answered. "What are you guys making?"
"Nothing Y/N don't worry about it." Shuichi said. "Kaito should be around somewhere you should go look for him."
"I get it you don't want me around." You sighed and walked out the room. When you did you noticed Maki.
"Hey Maki." You smiled and she looked away at first and then looked at you.
"Hi." She replied. "What do you want?"
"Just thinking about how the time limit expires tomorrow at nighttime." You stated.
"If you keep thinking about it it'll only make it worse. So I'll assume that you and the idiot haven't come up with a plan yet?" Maki asked.
"It's not the fact that we haven't it's just not full proof. But nothing is full proof in this place." You frowned.
"So you're really choosing to spend your free time with me? When you could be spending it with Kaede or the idiot?" Maki asked playing with her hair.
"Well it seems Shuichi doesn't want me around so I can't hang out with Kaede and I saw you all alone so I thought maybe we could be friends." You grinned.
"If we don't die tomorrow at nighttime one of us will probably die later on. Having friends in this place is a foolish idea I would of thought you would have known that." Maki glared at you.
"Yeah maybe you're right having friends would just be a weakness but maybe they could also be a strength. It's just about who you pick." You commented and she raised her brow at you.
"You spent way too much time with the optimists." Maki sighed. "Listen the time limit is coming to a close use this time wisely it may be the last thing you do." Maki said and then walked away from you.

"My my she sure is an interesting one." Korekiyo commented walking up to you.
"You could say that again. She definitely has her secrets." You stated looking at Korekiyo.
"You're usually with Kaito? Did you two have a lovers quarrel?" Korekiyo asked.
"Wh-what?! No! It's not like that! Kaito and I are friends and...I just don't know where he is." You admitted with a slight blush on your face causing Korekiyo to laugh.
"Kukuku just friends you amusing." Korekiyo commented.
"What made you interesting in anthropology?" You asked attempting to change the subject.
"There is no particular reason I merely pursued my interests. The rest was...Sister's influence." Korekiyo answered.
"Oh I didn't know you have a sister." You said with a small smile.
"To tell you the truth Sister always has been sickly. She made this uniform between bouts of illness." Korekiyo sadly told you.
"I'm so sorry." You apologized. "But you know I'm sure watching her brother work hard is great medicine!" You said trying to cheer him up.
" might be right." Korekiyo said with a small chuckle.

"I think I'm going to search for Kaito. It was nice talking with you!" You waved goodbye and you began to walk around the campus searching for Kaito. You looked up and you saw how it was becoming nighttime and time was running out faster and faster.
"What's with that big frown on your face?" Kokichi asked popping out of nowhere.
"Where did you come from?!" You exclaimed backing up and placing a hand on your heart. "You almost gave me a heart attack."
"Sorry. I just wanted to see if you were okay." Kokichi frowned.
"No I'm not okay I can't find Kaito and the time limit is expiring and it's just stressful." You sighed placing your hand on your face.
"Are you sure it's the time limit? I think if you just saw Kaito all those worries would go away." Kokichi laughed.
You looked at him with a slight glare. "What are you trying to say?"
Kokichi giggled. "Nooothing Y/N."
"Liar." You sighed.
"Kokichi why are you annoying Y/N?!" A voice boomed. You and Kokichi both startled looked back and saw Kaito walking towards you two.
"I was just checking on her the poor girl looked like she was on the verge of tears." Kokichi frowned.
"I was not on the verge of tears!" You yelled.
"Well she was really sad because she didn't see-" Kokichi began and then you elbowed him.
"Ow!" Kokichi complained.
"What's going on?" Kaito asked.
"Nothing Kokichi is crazy." You laughed.
"Y/N it's nighttime. Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?" Kaito asked.
"I'm sure she wants you to-" Kokichi began until you elbowed him again glaring at him and Kokichi only laughed.
"Yeah let's go." You smiled.

You and Kaito walked away from Kokichi but you could still hear Kokichi snickering.
"I saw you hanging out with Korekiyo." Kaito said.
"And you didn't come up and greet me?" You asked shocked.
"You looked like you were invested into the conversation. I didn't want to interrupt." Kaito sighed.
"I was looking for you I got worried the time limit ends tomorrow." You reminded with a frown on your face.
"Smile Y/N! Frowning won't do anyone any good we can figure it out! You know we can!" Kaito smirked trying to encourage you.
"I hope you're right." You mumbled. Kaito then wrapped his arm your shoulder. "Just believe in yourself and in me I wouldn't do anything to get you hurt."
"I trust you Kaito." You responded.
"Good now get some rest everything will be okay I promise." Kaito smiled and gave you a thumbs up.
"You're always reassuring me and motivating me." You muttered with a small grin
"You do the same for me." Kaito admitted not meeting your gaze.
You then went your separate ways and you laid on the bed thinking about the time limit and what was going to happen. Your eyes slowly closed and you fell asleep.

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