Chapter 2: The Ultimate Chemist & 16 Other Ultimates

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You felt trapped and all you saw was darkness but then you heard two voices talking. You placed your hand and you felt cold metal. You slowly opened the door to see two other faces. In a daze of confusion you stumbled out of the locker and fell on the floor.
"Owwwww." You groaned as a blinding pain rushed to your head.
"Are you okay?" The hat wearing boy asked and offered you his hand. You looked at his face and he smiled at you and took his hand.
"Could be waaay better if I didn't fall and hit my head but I'm okay...I won't die." You said as you dusted off your skirt.
"Well your outfit is super cute." The girl complimented. "Right Shuichi?"
"Errr...yes." Shuichi embarrassedly said looking away.
"You say it with so much uncertainty it's kind of rude I'm not an ugly atom." You pouted looking at him.
"S-sorry. But I'm Shuichi Saihara and that's Kaede Akamatsu." Shuichi introduced.

"What's your name?" Kaede asked.
As you were about to answer you saw five Build a Bear rejects enter the room and all three of you gasped.
"A teddy bear...?" Shuichi asked.
"N-no it's a monster! You can freak out about this!" Kaede yelled.
"It appears to look like a Build a Bear reject however I think it's something more." You thought looking at them.
"You humans are the real monsters for calling us monsters!" The red bear yelled.
"Although if we are monsters at least we're pretty monsters." The pink one said.
"I agree I'm glad I was born with these looks. I definitely won the genetic lottery." The red bear confidently said.
"Enough idle chit chat are you guys going to be useful and actually provide useful information? Like who you are? Why we're here? Where we even are?" You questioned.
"We're not Monokubs! We're the stuffed animals!" The blue one yelled.
"I think you misspoke." You said.
"This place is called the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles." The red monokub said.
"Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles?" Kaede questioned.

"Huh Ultimate Academy..." You muttered.
"This school was made for you seventeen cretins." The pink monokub informed.
"There's seventeen of us here?" You asked and she nodded.
"So that means there's fourteen other students somewhere in the school." You murmured.
"Yep seventeen ultimates." The yellow monokub said.
"Huh? Ultimates!?" Kaede gasped.
"You know what Ultimates are right?" The yellow one asked. "The government scouts 'em through this program called the Ultimate Initiative."

"Ultimate basically means you're particularly prodigious in a particular talent." The pink bear explained.
"Basically the Ultimate Initiative exists to cultivate talent throughout the country promising students are eligible to receive all kinds of special handouts." The blue bear said.
"Like free school tuition, voting privileges, eligibility to run for elected office." The red one listed off some benefits of being an ultimate.
"Yes yes I know that already as I'm an Ultimate and I figure that they know too since it is an Ultimate Academy they're Ultimates as well." You stated.
"So you remember now. Don't forget later on." The yellow one advised.

"What do you mean forgetting?" Kaede asked.
"Shut up! Quit your yappin' and get started already!" The blue one yelled.
"Get started with what?" Shuichi asked.
"Why exploring this academy of course." The red bear said.
"Also you should introduce yourselves to the other Ultimates." The yellow bear advised.
"Got it our objective is to explore the academy and introduce ourselves to the other Ultimates." You stated.
"But you don't know you guys are gonna do an activity together later." The yellow bear darkly spoke. The way he said it sent a shiver up and down your spine. You had a feeling that it was going to be something that you don't like. But then the bears left.
"Ah they left! But I still have so many questions!" Kaede exclaimed with a heavy sigh.
"This...isn't a dream right?" Shuichi asked.
"It's not." You frowned. "But what talents do you guys have?"

"I'm the Ultimate Pianist." Kaede beamed.
"I'm the Ultimate Detective." Shuichi informed.
"Wow that's amazing! I think your talent will come in handy in explaining why we're here because you probably have a keen eye at looking for clues." You smiled. You noticed Shuichi staring at you intently as if he was trying to figure out where he saw you. You looked at Kaede who also noticed.
"That's it!" Shuichi exclaimed.
"What?" You asked.

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