Chapter 17: Using The Helpful Junk

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Kaito pulled you out of the dining room with a grin on his face and he looked back at you and winked.
"Where do we go first?" Kaito asked.
"W-Wait for me!" Shuichi called running towards you two.  You both stopped and Kaito let go of your hand.
"We should look for mysterious objects." You answered.
"Know where any of those are?" Shuichi asked.
"Nope but we'll figure it out!" You grinned and the three of you began walking around the school searching for mysterious objects.  You looked at the dragon statue and it looked pretty out of place and suspicious.
"Is that dragon statue suspicious or is it just me?" You asked.
"Is it suspicious because it's a dragon or because for a school it's out of place?" Kaito questioned looking at you.
"Y/N try the gem." Shuichi instructed and you nodded. You walked to the statue and placed the red dragon gem in the eye and it broke and revealed a passageway.

  "This is so cool." You excitedly grinned.
"Let's go explore!" Kaito exclaimed and went through the new passageway with you following behind  and when you did you saw a strange door.  You opened the door and when you entered the room had a very Victorian feel to it.
"Is this Kirumi's lab?" You asked Kaito.
"It appears to be." Kirumi stated walking into her lab.
"This lab is perfectly suited for you." You smiled.
"It really is." Shuichi agreed.
"Come on let's explore some more." Kaito said and you and Shuichi agreed.

  The three of you continued walking to the third floor and  you noticed a door with bugs on it and Angie standing in front of the door.
"Shuichi, Y/N, and Kaito we've been waiting for you! Hurry hurry! We're all ready!" Angie gleefully exclaimed holding her hands.
You looked and you saw a treasure chest.
"Come on open it!" Angie ordered with a smile.
"Really? Should I?" You asked and she nodded her head. You looked back at Kaito and Shuichi.
"What  if it's rigged?" You asked.
"We'll probably still have to do a class trial." Angie stated. "Just open it."
"I'll open it for you." Kaito sighed and with sweaty palms opened the treasure chest and what was revealed was a strange looking flashlight.
"What is this...? A flashlight? No it can't be just a flashlight..." Shuichi pondered examining it.
"Maybe try turning it on?" Angie suggested.
"No we should turn it on when we're all together and if we all agree." Kaito stated looking at the flashlight.
Angie then grabbed the flashlight and ran off with a bounce in her step.
"Hey!" Kaito called but she was already too far gone. "Ugh..."

"Come on look at the butterfly door it's probably another ultimate lab. Let's go see." You smiled opening the door. When you stepped inside it was a room filled with bugs.
"Whoa look at all those bugs!" Shuichi shrieked.
You looked around some more and insect specimens lined the entire wall. It was super gross and being in the room made your skin crawl and you were paranoid that a bug was on you.
"A-Amazing! This paradise!" Gonta beamed looking around.
"We have very different definitions of paradise..." Kaito softly muttered.
"We should keep that to ourselves and leave." You whispered to him and Shuichi and without hesitation you three left.
"All those bugs...horrible." Shuichi shivered.
"Yeah but the lab is perfect for the Ultimate Entomologist." You commented.
The three of you headed to the third floor and you saw a door with a tennis racket on it and a door with a beaker.
"I think this is my Ultimate lab!" You excitedly exclaimed pointing to the door with the beaker on it.
"Shuichi you can go explore Ryoma's lab Y/N and I will take a look at her lab." Kaito smiled and Shuichi agreed.

You and Kaito walked into your Ultimate lab and it was everything the Ultimate Chemist would want. It looked like a laboratory. When you first enter there were lab coats and safety goggles and gloves hanging up. Bookcases that appeared to have the latest medical reports in them. Laboratory stations decked out with test tubes, Bunsen burners, beakers, thermometers, test tube holders, mortar and pestle and even more laboratory equipment.
  You looked at everything taking everything in. It was like every chemist's dream laboratory. It was perfectly.
"Woah." Kaito said his mouth open walking around. "This is like your dream laboratory."
"It is my dream laboratory." You replied looking at all the equipment.  "I could make some type of medicine if one of us got sick or at least I could everything I need is here including medical reports that would help a lot so."
"Let's hope we're not at this Ultimate Academy for much longer." Kaito stated with a slight scoff scratching his head.
"It seems impossible but yet I'm still hopeful I know we can do it!" You exclaimed.
"The impossible is possible that's what I live by I promise we'll make it out together I won't let anyone hurt you I promise my North Star." Kaito promised staring into your E/C eyes and softly holding your hand looking into his eyes you could see a determined gleam.
"Kaito..." You trailed off and you were going to speak but then someone opened the door.
"We still have more areas to explore let's go!" Shuichi yelled beckoning you and Kaito to come with him.
Kaito looked at you with a frown on his face but you both ended up leaving your Ultimate lab and following Shuichi to a red door with a gold outline. Shuichi extended his hand to the doorknob but before he could open it Maki glared at him.
"I did not give you permission to enter." Maki stated.
"Ah Maki! So this is the Ultimate Child Caregiver's lab. You wouldn't think so judging by the door." Shuichi awkwardly smiled.
"You're right goodbye." Maki sighed looking at the ground.
"Wait can I look inside for a bit?" Shuichi asked.
"No." Maki answered.
"If she doesn't want anyone in her lab we should respect that and leave." You commented looking at Shuichi's shocked face.
"But there's no rule that says we can't enter." Shuichi countered.
"It may not be a school rule but it's her rule." You pointed out.
"Thank you Y/N." Maki sighed.

You pulled Shuichi and Kaito away and the three of you kept on exploring the Ultimate Academy looking for strange objects and exploring the new areas. You went to the courtyard and you placed an item and a door unlocked. You opened the door and you saw a casino, and a love suite. You entered the casino and it looked amazing.
"A casino! I want to win some money!" You exclaimed.
"You gamble Y/N?" Kaito asked.
"Sometimes not a lot but we got to get some people together and have some fun playing these games." You smiled.
"I'd come." Shuichi happily smiled. 
"One of us has to lose money!" Kaito laughed.
"And that will be you." Shuichi joked looking at Kaito.
"We all know you both are going to lose to me." You confidently laughed.
"It wouldn't be much of a loss if I got to see you smile." Kaito winked at you and then rushed off to start playing the games.

Your face was beat red and you turned to Shuichi who had a small smirk on his face. Then he looked at where Kaito sped off to.
"Should we go look for him?" Shuichi asked.
"I-I guess so." You stuttered trying to cover your blush.
"Looks like he made you blush good!" Shuichi laughed.
"Sh-Sh-Shut it!" You pouted and lightly tapped Shuichi. The two of you ran after to Kaito and you saw him holding a lot of coins.
"Woah did you hit the jackpot!?" You exclaimed wide eyed.
"Hehe! Just a regular day for the Luminary of the Stars! My intuition usually leads me to victory!" Kaito grinned giving a thumbs up.
"Nice work maverick! That's some uncanny luck ya got there!" Monokuma exclaimed appearing out of no where.
"Ah! Where did you come from?!" You yelled.
"Whoa! Don't just appear out of nowhere!" Kaito shouted almost dropping the coins.
"My bad! I was lured here by your lucky streak!" Monokuma giggled. "Nice haul ya got there. You could cash in these coins for something really splendid!  They're only good here though. But if ya earn more you could reach the best treasure in this place!"
"Heh! After hearing that there's no going back for me!" Kaito growled.
"But you could trade in what you already have right now..." Shuichi sighed.
"What are you saying? If I don't meet his challenge I'm not a true man!" Kaito yelled.
"I think you have a gambling addiction and Monokuma is feeding into it." You sighed placing your hand on your head.
"That's it maverick! You da man!" Monokuma cheered.
"However... I think there is something I want." Kaito stated looking off in the distance.
"Fine come with me to get your prize." Monokuma said.
"Y/N Shuichi go look around I'll catch up to you later!" Kaito grinned and then followed Monokuma to get his prize.

"What do you think he's going to get!" You asked looking at Shuichi who shrugged.
"Maybe something space themed?" Shuichi suggested.
"Yeah that seems like something he would get." You agreed  and the two of you walked out of the casino and you walked to a mysterious monument and placed the ocarina and the vine withered away to reveal it was a pool area that looked like a resort.
"Now I want to go swimming." You commented looking at the pool.
"I think you need a swimsuit for that." Shuichi stated.
"Degenerate male! Thinking about Y/N in that way!" Tenko growled glaring at Shuichi.
"Wh-What no it's not like that! I swear I wasn't!" Shuichi shouted blushing. 
"I should flip you!" Tenko yelled.
"Pushing him in the pool would be better." K1-B0 suggested.
"Y/N you gotta believe me!" Shuichi blushed.
"He's a liar Y/N!" Tenko shouted giving Shuichi the evil eye.
"Throw him in the pool." You ordered not looking at Shuichi and you heard him gasp.
"With pleasure!" Tenko and K1-B0 agreed and they picked up Shuichi and threw him in the pool.
"Waaaaaah!" Shuichi screamed and then hit the water and swam to the surface. You looked at him and couldn't help but laugh.
"This isn't funny." Shuichi pouted.
"Oh but it is." You laughed and then turned to read the pool rules. "For future reference swimming during nighttime is prohibited. Later Shuichi I got to figure out where the last object goes." You waved goodbye and you walked out of the pool with a smug grin on your face. You found a place to put the ancient passport and the wall came down and you saw a door that looked to be the Ultimate Magician's lab.

"Yahooo! Y/N!" You heard a cherry voice call.  You turned around and you saw Angie smiling.
"Did you figure out the flashlight?" You asked.
"Yep I finally figured it out. Gather in the gym so we can discuss it. Bye-onara!" Angie smiled putting her hands in the air and running away.
  "Head to the gym huh?" You muttered. "I'll go hopefully Shuichi isn't too mad. Even if he is who cares?" You smiled and made your way to the gym.

Danganronpa Gleaming Star Kaito Momota x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن