Quirkless Loser

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"Yeah like you extra's have a chance of becoming heroes, me and my squad are the only ones here with capabilities to make it big," Katsuki announced, popping out a few explosions.

"You guys would be lucky to be sidekicks to some D lister," Kotsumi added with a smirk. Izuku looked away, hoping to be ignore in this situation. The class didn't seem happy at the insults.

"Yeah, you Katsuki and Kotsumi as well as the Todoroki twins and Yagi twins are wishing to go to UA," the teacher says in a tired tone. But Izuku could see past it. He could see the amusement in his teachers eyes as they made eye contact. Izuku stiffens and adverts his gaze. He is trying to instigate Izuku to be beaten.  

The class erupted into whispered, a lot of them being the big five going to UA, and how if anyone could get past the 2% acceptance rate, it was them. But the group of five weren't focused on that. They were focused on Izuku. The teacher had said the Yagi twins, not Izumi. Izuku forced himself not to shake, he wasn't going to give his tormentors the satisfaction of seeing him scared. He was used to it.

Izuku heard the stomping of footsteps approaching his desk, but he choose to ignore it. Or feign ignorance to something that he knew was going to hurt him. He does everyday. Katsuki Bakugo. Izuku gasped at the roughness of how hard Katsuki had pulled at the collar of his shirt. He was raised out of his seat, now looking Katsuki dead in the eyes. Izuku had his eyes widened for a brief second before shrinking down. He prepared himself for an explosion.

"What kind of stupid are you Deku? Do you still really think you can be a bloody hero! UA won't even accept a quirkless loser like you!" Katsuki shouted. Izuku whimpered as he felt the skin of his neck start to burn from Katsuki's quirk. He could hear the class laughing at his misery. He just wanted to be loved and appreciated, even if it was by one person. Izuku challenged himself to look into Katsuki's eyes.

"Th-they g-got rid of th-that rule K-k-kaachan. I could b-be the f-first qu-quik-kless hero," Izuku stuttered trying to defend himself. Katsuki sneered, and Izuku whimpered as Katsuki's palm grew hotter.

"So you think you can compete with those you have quirks! Stop living in your fantasy dream and just give up," he snarked. There are those words again. They are spoken at least once every beating he has with his ex-friends and sister. Just give up? Why do they care if he doesn't succeed. If they think he'll fail then why are they trying so hard to make him stop trying? If he fails then they were right, if he succeeds he proves them wrong. Izuku doesn't get it, he wants to understand but he can't wrap his head around any situation where it would make sense. Even in the wild scenario that they actually care for him (which Izuku has realised they don't a long time ago) it still doesn't make sense.

"Katsuki I still have to finish class. Please restrain yourself until the bell," his teacher says in a tired voice. Katsuki scoffs before letting go of Izuku. Izuku gasps and holds his collar where Katsuki had held him. He sighed that it was burned again. He'd have to sue it up again. Class continued for another twenty minutes, but Izuku was drowning in anxiety. His senses has heightened and his danger sense he has learned to trust. He finds it being right more than it being wrong, but he also doesn't know if he is always wrong in those situations. But right now, he can definitely feel five pairs of eyes glaring at him.

Why is he hated so much? Why do they insist of making his life miserable if they hate him so much?

The bell rings and Izuku swallows a lump in his throat. He starts putting his items in his bag as quickly as possible to keep them safe. But his sister didn't seem to like that idea. A book flings out of his bag with the use of telekinesis. Izuku eyes widen and he can feel his heart stop beating as his future hero analyses journal is torn out of his bag and flung into the air. Izuku looks up, terrified. 

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