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You're Rose's little sister.
You're really shy and have social anxiety.
She asked if you can stay with her at Lous for a while as back home isn't safe with your father being in rehab and mum not in the picture.

Part 1

Rose picks you up and takes you to Lou's apartment. She helps you with your bags and let's you follow her in so you don't have to face everyone first.

You're introduced in a rush so everyone tries to make you feel welcome.

You sit close to Rose and don't talk much. She holds your hand tightly knowing you're not the most comfortable around new people.

Everyone is chilling and you ask Rose if you can just go to the room as its been a long day and you're tired.

Rose - "Oh umm right yeah of course! Umm are you okay?"

Y/n - "Yes Im just tired."

She shows you to her room and leaves you there to settle in with your belongings.

Rose POV

Once Rose gets back to the others they are all gathered together looking concerned.

Debbie - "Is she okay Rose?"

Lou - "Yeah I'm sorry if we were too much for her! We were just trying to make her feel like part of us."

Tammy - "Yeah is she alright?"

Rose - "Guys she's fine honest! She's just tired and needed to be alone for a bit."

They all nod and leave off the questions.


Roses room is very Rose. It seems like it was a very basic room before but she's definitely decorated it to be fun and more her.

You then check out the bathroom. It's actually really nice. You're exhausted and feel gross so decide to take a shower.

You're in the shower and then realise you have no towel. Everyone's downstairs anyway though so no one will see you run for it to grab it out of your bag right?

You go to run but just as you get out you realise that you left Roses door wide open. Tammy is there in the doorway staring at you running towards her naked and soaked.

Your eyes go wide and you run back while Tammy just stands there confused on what she just witnessed.

Shit shit shit... Well that's a great first impression bitch!
Hi my names y/n nice to meet you and here is my naked ass body running... Shit! Shit!

You've closed the bathroom door with your back against the door, waiting to see when the coast in clear.

But then you hear a knock...

Hey angels this is a new story I'm working on.
I hope you like it and thanks so much for all of the support on my last story too!

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