<Chapter Twenty Two: Vedriti>

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"Okay, i never expected i would be meeting yeonjun's boyfriend in my whole damn life... my boy sure has grown up".

Taehyung faked some sobbing noises before exchanging chuckles with Soobin while yeonjun sat there soundless, watching them listlessly as though he's the guest in the room. It's just his usual, unspectacular routine of the hospital visit yet today, the white stale walls, the smell of strong disinfects and the monotonous movements of the nurses doesn't seem as obnoxious as every other days to yeonjun.

Because Soobin is beside him.

When his lover said they should talk, he literally and specifically meant about his heart condition. Yeonjun was excepting more though. Nonetheless, he finally notified the other boy about his not-so-crucial health facts and uncovered his lie about the part time job. However, he still left out the part about his usage of Ativans.

They are just anxiety meds, nothing to be worried right?

Yeonjun had expected Soobin to become outraged at the new found information but he was met with a calm, unfazed reaction. Throughout their conversation, the other boy just patiently listened to him with constant head nods, seeming to take the information well. In fact, right after that, soobin had insisted on accompanying him to every hospital visits and not just that but the boy even started learning about his medicine dosages.

"I will make sure you are drinking them regularly" was what he said along the line, so causally, that it seemed as though he had always been doing that. The way the taller boy adapted the situation so offhandedly has left yeonjun bemused on his usual cold demeanor even.

"We will get going now then"

Soobin threw one last polite smile at the doctor before his hands reached forward to hold onto the older boy's waist and strode out of the room to make way towards their car.

The appearance of his boyfriend has surely caused murmurs and hushed voices to circulate around the lobby area. Nurses and some staffs that usually ignored his existence were eyeing them with unusual interest as the couple passed through the hall way. Though yeonjun found the sudden stares quite unpleasant, soobin appeared to be unruffled about it.

Yeonjun was only able to get a breather once he was settled into the passenger seat of the black honda-fit which the blue haired boy was said to be gifted by his parents on his 18th birthday. Before starting the engine, soobin abstracted his body to the backseat just to return back with a package which he promptly shoved it into the shorter boy's lap. At this, yeonjun scrunched his brows and threw the other boy a look before he tardily unpack the small paper box. The boy was not surprised when he was met with the sight of a nike-airforce shoe, designed prettily with a tint of pastel pink hue.

Ugh i knew it ..another gift..

It's not that Yeonjun doesn't love the gifts that soobin has given him, rather he cherished and appreciated every bits of them but with the way the boy has been spending money like water on the older, outsiders might even think that yeonjun is his sugar baby. The idea was enough to make a scorn appear on his face.

" um binnie, thank you.. but why do you keep buying me things?"

Soobin was already driving, eyes hone on the road but he seemed to caught off guard by the question.

"Why? ..Do you not like it??"

No pressure could be heard in his tone, the boy sounded genuinely lost.

"No- it's not that. I really love them binnie but you know you don't need to keep buying me gifts right? Plus they are too expensive, i feel uncomfortable to keep accepting them.."

Yeonjun struggled with his words. He doesn't want to sadden the other boy by making him assume that he doesn't appreciate the gifts.

"Oh.... i just thought they would make you happy??..i used to have to buy- "

to make me happy?

"uh nevermind"

The sentence was cut short as soobin indifferently continued to focus on the road. The shorter boy furrowed at the unclear wording of what the other has said but shrugged it off as he placed the gift properly back into the box.

That made it the eighth pair of shoe that he received from his lover.

Soobin lately started using heart emojis on his messages. Indeed it's a great character development and yeonjun could have been gleeful about it. Normally he would, but the thing was, the hearts were not just for him but literally for everyone. It all started when his boyfriend created an instagram account.

As the extroverted person he is, the boy quickly gained lots of follows from almost nearly everyone from their university. He didn't follow back everyone though, just yeonjun, kai, taehyun and some of his close friends from his soccer team and lastly his favorite singer Bebe Rexha. Nonetheless, he still replied back to all the comments of strangers on his posts. The boy seemed to enjoy the social attention and yeonjun should not mind it at all.

Truth to be told, yeonjun had never been a jealous type or shown any possessive signs throughout their relationship but lately his awareness of the people around Soobin seemed to increase, or perhaps they are caused by his own insecurities poking at him unconsciously. Thus every time soobin used the heart emojis to random people in the comment sections, which yeonjun stalked, he could feel his stomach twisting and turning in an ugly way. The more he scrolled through the endless comments of both girls and boys, the more he was met with a distaste.

whom in the world would be happy to see people thirsting over their boyfriend right?

jenniekim : damn soob, you look hella hot in this photo especially in that black outfit *fire emoji*

(replied) soobin_c : haha thank you noona *heart emoji* *heart emoji*

Yeonjun closed the instagram with a scoff as he opened up his ipad to start working on a piece for his twitter.

who the hell is jennie and what's with the "noona" ??? and also "soob"!????

The white canvas that he opened 15 minutes ago, was still blank. The pink haired boy was blinking restlessly, struggling to concentrate and the frustration on his face would be noticeable by now if he were to look into the mirror. The constant notification sound from soobin's phone wasn't making the situation any better and instead made the scowl on his face deepened.

Ding Ding !

Ughhh so noisy

Yeonjun rubbed his face agitatedly before placing his I-pad onto the side of the table not-so-gently. The loud thud produced from the abnormal force, didn't seem to startle his lover whose eyes were so endorsed into his bright phone screen. The sight made the older boy to roll his eyes in annoyance before he stumbled out of the room.

"I am going to get water" was the excuse but to be exact, he was just tiptoeing to the kitchen cabinet for his precious ativan bottle which now has a new name "one of my heart medicine". Ah yes, yeonjun is creative with names like that.

Yep, also quite what he needed to fall asleep tonight.

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