<Chapter Seven: Like I need you>

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The ignorance, the neglection-  even though he had gotten used to this behavior, it doesn't mean Yeonjun still does not get hurt by it. He is not those robots that functions without emotions. But how nice would it be if that's the case.

One time, when soobin skipped lunch at school for his soccer practice, yeonjun was left with Taehyun and Kai. Yeonjun was not used to talking about his worries to anyone before, but that time, anxiety was crawling onto his skin on why the taller sometimes act cold towards him, plus the crippling insecurities made the feeling much worse. Without any context, He remembered asking two of his friends if he was getting fatter in their eyes. At that, the two younger guys only frowned the older boy.

"dude, what do you mean fat- you always ate so little and you still look fine as you are"

Taehyun had replied while Kai agreed him. There comes a bit of relief with their replies but that just means weight has nothing to do with soobin not giving attention to him. Sometimes yeonjun would be in the back of the classroom, dazed from overthinking until Soobin talked to him again. Forgiveness was never to be questioned, it just naturally comes- he promised to the stronger one right? At least, what yeonjun feels wouldn't be as devastating as what soobin has to go through. Always reminding himself that he's fortunate enough to have Soobin , alive and beside right?

The pink haired boy's thoughts were drowned by the constant pouring of the rain as he stepped out of the elevator and headed slowly towards Soobin's apartment room.

Though yeonjun was feeling skeptical - his hands had quickly found its way to knock onto the wooden surface of door.

Within seconds, a click of the door knob was performed.

And there Soobin was, standing with some messed up hair, wrinkled t shirt and darkened eyebags. The boy offered yeonjun a little smile, where dimples made a show.

"I had ordered pizza for us. I assume you haven't had dinner yet?"

Soobin causally states as they both suffled inside and sat down on the sofa inside the living room.

"Wait what happened to your fingers?" Soobin eyed the bandaged finger worriedly while proceeding to take ahold of the older's hand gently. 


Yeonjun panicked.

What could be the excuse- the excuse-

"Um i accidently closed the door on them when i was rushing out"

well that was a lame 

"Ow, that must have hurt like hell.. Ah is that why you didn't post your weekly art yesterday.."

Weekly art?

AH right..

Yeonjun always post his new drawings every week on Fridays but he wasn't able to finish the one for the week due to his finger's conditions.

wait so Soobin paid attention to his posts ??

He knows that soobin followed his twitter but the latter showing interest in his post- arts specifically, was not expected.

The boy's thoughts were cut off when Soobin's hand swiftly took a hold of his waist as he forced yeonjun onto his lap and when yeonjun was settled to the place comfortably , the younger nuzzled his head onto the crook of the older's neck. Yeonjun once again, is used to soobin's random moments of clinginess . The blue haired boy always act clingy after his moody episodes and even though yeonjun really couldn't understand why the other boy act out like that, he wouldn't complain nor demand explanation.

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