<Chapter Nine: More>

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After their one month monthsary, Yeonjun had insisted on not to celebrate anymore of their upcoming monthsaries. He didn't want to burden Soobin with having to think of celebrating about them every month. Plus they are already living together and Yeonjun doesn't need to feel special on a specific day each month - having his boyfriend beside him everyday was enough.

That was all he needed.

As for the monthsary gift, Yeonjun had given Soobin a vintage handmade letter filled with peoms and cheesy lines together with a sketch book that have pages filled with the sketches of the blue haired boy. An acrylic painting of the pair which was taken on the day when soobin won a soccer match, was also included in the book. By the look of Soobin's face brightening up when receiving it, it was safe to say his boyfriend liked it.

The taller, in return had given yeonjun an artsy designed tote bag.

"Well i have noticed that you always carry your bag everywhere with you so.. i thought you might like a new bag.."

Soobin had told him nonchalantly during their fancy dinner date at a pretty italian restaurant. Yeonjun had been so happy that day that every minutes was filled with his bubbly giggles.

It not that Soobin's not affectionate towards the older, he does, sometimes and mostly with physical affection like kisses, hugs and intertwined hands. Those actions can be very random too- the least of the matter though.

The thing is, he still doesn't say the three letter words.

He does act supportive and gentle however there were no sweet talks.

Yeonjun has never been called babe or baby or honey or any other pet names but just Junnie. Heart emojis were never used on him, nor compliments like You look good or sexy or amazing were directed even though yeonjun put in so much efforts on dressing up whenever the couple went on a date. He did tell him that he's pretty though - well 2 or 3 times in the span of 7 months of knowing each other.

Yeonjun shouldn't complain right?

Maybe he's just the type to show his love language through his actions.

Maybe it's just a wishful thinking but yeonjun does feel like soobin cares about him, genuinely through little small actions. As confusing as Soobin's actions seemed, the pink hair boy does want to be hopeful and give it some benefits of doubt.

Sometimes when yeonjun stayed late at night, trying to finish commissions on the bed, instead of going to sleep, soobin tend to silently watch him draw, not his face but the ipad, until the older was done with the process. Only then the younger snuggled him close to his chest and sleep.

As yeonjun mentioned before, he hasn't cried once since the incident with his father when he was a kid. But that doesn't mean he's doesn't feel sad or stressed at times.

Complaining about crippling days or miserable insecurities to soobin was never an opportunity but there were times when the older failed to control his distressed facial expressions- super sure soobin could read them well too.

So one time when the shorter boy was struggling to finish his assignment due to an art block and his exhausted back, soobin had came home with a big tub of ice cream and pain reliever patches. Yeonjun was able to finished his works after that.

Soobin had also been fetching him from his so called part time job.

Yeonjun had declined the boy's offer again and again but the other boy was weirdly persistent on that and didn't take a no - convincing was a failure this time.

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