Chapter 1

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Luna pov:

I took a deep breath before stepping through the doors of East high. I arrived in Salt Lake City just a short hour ago and now I was starting my sophomore year of high school.

Not the best plans, but I had no other choice. My first stop was at the office to grab my schedule and other stuff I needed. My second stop was my new locker. I quickly put all my stuff into it before grabbing my stuff for the first lesson. "Luna?" I suddenly heard, which caused me to turn around.

To my surprise I saw my best friend. She was the only one except my parents, who knew I would leave.

I know I am a bad sister for not telling Ricky, my own brother, but I thought it was for the better. "Hannah" I said. She knew, but that does not stop my fears that she will hate me for leaving. Suddenly I was engulfed in a tight hug "I missed my best friend."

I slowly hugged her back, still feeling a bit hesitant. Hannah let go off me and stood in front of me with her arms crossed in front of her chest looking like she is about to ground a child. "You thought I would hate you, didn't you?"

I sighed before nodding my head and telling her yes.

"Luna, you got to trust me, we've been close since we were in diapers. I am not going to just hate you for doing what was right for you. You are back now, that's all that matters." I smiled "Thanks bestie." I already felt a little more at ease now that at least my best friend does not hate me.

At Lunch, the two of us walked into the cafeteria, even though we planned on eating our own lunch. Apparently, I needed to meet some people. "I can't believe you actually did the musical last year for Nini" a curly haired girl said.

"I'd do anything for the people I love" a familiar voice responded with. Familiar, as in my brother. I immediately tried to get as far away from them as I could.

"Uhh new students" the girl said, and I prayed that she wants talking about me. Hannah though was smiling and turned around to face the girl "Hey Gina. My friend came back to Salt Lake this morning."

I took a deep breath before turning around and facing my brother. "This is Luna" she told the girl, who's name apparently is Gina. "She looked just like Ricky" she muttered under her breath.

I closed my eyes to hold back the tears and took a deep breath. I tuned to face my best friend. "Should we go get food?" I practically begged with my eyes.

She sighed "Fine." When our backs faced them, she whispered "You are telling me everything later" into my ear.

A few hours later I was stepping through the front doors of my house for the first time in a year. It felt weir to say the least. I put my shoes next to vans, that must be Ricky's. Then I made my way to the kitchen for an afternoon snack. I froze as soon as I stepped into the kitchen though.

Standing there was Ricky with NIni in his arms. I smiled on the inside. I always knew they would end up together. Just as I was about to walk back out to give them privacy Nini's eyes fell on me.

Her eyes widened when she saw but she quickly smiled. She ran towards me and hugged me "Luna, you're back."

"Yeah" I tried to push her away and it worked. "I was just going to get a snack, but I'll leave you too alone. By the way I'm happy for you two, I always knew this would happen."

With that I ran up the stairs to my old room or well my current room.

"Ricky don't be ridiculous, she's your little sister, who you had a great relationship with. You can't just ignore her for a whole year" I heard Nini yell at my brother right before I closed the door to my bedroom.

I fell to the floor crying. Leaving for New York to follow my dream was the only thing in my life I ever did that I had no idea how to fix. I regretted it so much.

I lost my brother, my parents split up and New York itself was a nightmare as well. I should not have left, but back then I thought it was better for everyone.

Ricky pov:

"I can and I will Nini. She left, not me" I said.

That caused my girlfriend to sigh in annoyance "Dammit Ricky, we both know her very well and we also both know that she would never leave without a reason. All I am asking you to do is to try and make amends with her. Start with finding out why she left and that without telling you or really anyone." 

I sighed "Fine, but I cat promise that we'll be like we were before." Nini got on her tip toes to kiss my lips. "I know and I'm not asking you to. I just want you guys to try, nothing more."

I nodded my head before wrapping my arms around her smaller body. "I just can't bare to be hurt by her again Neens." She nodded her head against my chest "I get that, but Ricky we went through this so many times. You cannot let fear keep you away from happiness. It is not fair to you or to your sister."

A small smile played on my lips "I have such a great girlfriend."

I kissed her lips before letting go of her. "What are you doing?" She asked me with raised eyebrows. "I'm going to go talk to my little sister and see if we can fix our relationship" I told her.

Nini smiled brightly "I'm proud of you Ricky."

How are y'all liking the book so far?

I'm sorry for the short chapter, but I'll try to make the next chapter longer.

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