The boy

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You were not normal.

You were not a witch like most on the boiling isles, you weren't necessarily a demon either.
Nobody knew what you were, YOU didn't know what you were. The only person who knew who you were, well you didn't want to be anywhere near her. All you knew is that you were feared, and that fear is what got you where you were. The swamps, far far away from any living thing that you could possibly hurt, not that you wanted to, it was just a precaution you had to take. You'd been sent here by Emperor Belos himself, his reasoning being that the Titan thought you disrupted the balance he'd saught to create. You knew the real reason though. He feared you, just like everyone else who caught a glimpse of what you were capable of. You couldn't really complain though. You were provided food and shelter, and special metal bracelets that dulled the effects of your 'abilities'
Usually every month a supply cart was sent with heavily armed guards to help you get by, that was the deal between you and Belos. Though no one else knew of your existence. The guards weren't aloud to see you, just drop off the cart and leave. And Belos would never willing let it be know that he let a beast such as you continue to exist, but you had a deal and he stuck to it. Until now.
The supply cart was two weeks behind schedule and you were running dangerously low on food. You weren't to worried at first, you figured they just got delayed. It was a bumpy ride here, and Belos sent you here because of how it was almost impossible to survive in, hoping that no would be stupid enough to venture inside. You waited patiently but before you knew it two weeks had gone by an there was still no sign of the damn cart. You began to worry that Belos had abandoned you, or possibly something worse. You couldn't help but pace through the den worriedly, wondering what could possibly be the problem, "maybe their low on food, and there's non to spare. Noo their magic you dumby they can easily grow more food" your fluffy ears were down turned and your snake like tail flicked irritatably," agag why'd he have to put me in the most remote area on the whole boiling isles, if it weren't for the climate I could just grow my own food but nooo, he just had to make it so unlivable" you though with a groan with you hands on your hips," at this point I'm gonna have no other choice then to.. " you stopped, casting your eyes to the window that looked out at the desolate swamp," out there.. " you looked down at the metal bands on your wrist. They kept your abilities at bay, there was no anger, no biting, and no fur when you had them on but they did little to hide the wolf ears and snake tail. As long as you had them on you wouldn't go rabid, so what's the harm in going outside. Emperor Belos had broken his end of the deal, so what's stopping you from breaking yours, "I'll go out, get what I need, and come right back" you thought with a huff.
So dawning your clothes (the above photo) you left.

The swamp wasn't hard to navigate. You'd been living there for almost six years now so you knew it well, it was the outside world that was hard. It took you at least thirty minutes to build up the courage to cross the threshold of the swamp and into the real world. It was quite the frightening experience for someone who's had no human interactions for six years. You did little to hide your appendages, you'd figure someone would just think you were some rare biped demon and be on their way, but you were still nervous.
"What if someone realizes I'm not like them, what if emperor Belos finds out and sends an army after me"
Thoughts like these would not get out of your head, and it was infuriating, maddening even. But you had to push on, less you wish to starve. The streets were, frightening, to say that least. People of all shapes and sizes walked around you. Pushing and shoving each other to get where they needed to be. You being you though couldn't help but look at everything with curiosity, wragging your tail.Your ears stood high and you had and it wasn't long before you forgot what you'd came here for, that was until your stomach growled loudly. You needed to get some food and fast, where to get it though you had no idea. You took notice of a few people around your age wearing similar clothing, each seeming to have different colored sleeves and pants though. It was all so new so fascinating, you wanted to talk to them but you didn't know how. It'd been so long since you last talked you didn't know if you could anymore. You didn't even realize you'd stopped till


A little while earlier

Hunter wasn't having a good day at all. 

Though it seemed like he never had good days anymore. He's was much happier now yes. He wasn't afraid of failure, he wasn't constantly trying to prove his worth to anyone. He'd even moved in with Eda and Luz and saw them as family. But for some reason he just wasn't having any luck. He had terrible nightmares that were keeping him form sleeping. He was constantly falling asleep in class because of the nightmares. He couldn't go anywhere without people mentioning his past affiliations with Emperor Belos. He just couldn't seem to catch a brake,
"Are you gonna drink that tea or are you just gonna glare at it" Hunters head shot up as a blush of embarrassment covered his face, "I uhh sorry, just lost in thought"
Luz looked at her friend worriedly, her eyebrows furrowed, "you sure have been doing that a lot lately" She spoke, "what thinking"
"Spacing out"
Hunter looked off to the side as they walked, holding his cup close to him, "I'm worried about you Hunter, I know you haven't been sleeping" Luz spoke up again, looking sympathetically at her friend, "I'm fine really, I've just got a lot on my mind" he rubbed his neck and took a sip of his tea, "you know what you need" Luz spoke up, a cheeky look replacing her once sympathetic on, "I don't like that face" he say inching away from the girl, "a BOYFRIEND!" she shouted, throwing her hands up, "oh no, no no no no no! I do not need a boyfriend!" Hunter stressed but it feel of deafs ear as Luz began looking around, "but whoo" she scratched her chin for a moment scanning the crowd, "Luz I repeat I do n-" Hunter was interrupted as Luz grabbed him, "there!" and shoved him towards a boy with fluffy ears and a snake tail. But before he could stop himself he fell right on the unsuspecting boy.


"I am so sorry"

You groaned as you opened your eyes looking up at a worried looking boy, "are you okay? I'm so sorry, my friend pushed me and I fell on you and I'm"
The boy on top of you stopped at the sound of your raspy voice, a noticeable blush coating his face, "what?" he leaned a little closer to hear your quite voice, "still on me" you said slowly and quitely, trying your best to remember the right words, "OH! I am so sorry again!" he shouted as he fumbled to stand up off you but only managed to fall right back on top of you. He laughed nervously, "I'm..not usually this clumsy.. I swear" he spoke but his body betrayed him once again as he failed to steady himself and fell once more, his head landing on your chest. You let you a breathy laugh and finally decided to help. Leaning up into a sitting position you grabbed him from under his arms and stood up, lifting him off the ground for a short moment only to place him right back down. He was shocked for a moment by your strength, though who wouldn't be. You were both around the same height, and you were by no means in this form buff, so the look of surprise on his face was to be expected, "I uh sorry again, wow that's embarrassing um"
You couldn't help but laugh again, his face was covered by a blush and it was probably the most pleasant thing you'd seen in awhile. Maybe coming out today was a good idea, he seemed really nice too maybe you could ask him how to get food, or even about Belos. You remembered something about shaking hands you should start with that. The boy stopped his apologies abruptly as you stuck you hand out in front of you with a goofy looking face, "shake" you spoke with a smile. After a moment he grabbed your hand but let out a yelp as you shook it roughly, "oh sorry, I forget" you spoke the boy seemed confused for a moment but shook it off as he straightened himself out, "I'm Hunter, you probably know me as the Golden guard though" you took notice of the way he shrunk down at this and you tilted your head, one ear flopping to the side in confusion, "I don't know a 'Golden Guard' but I now know Hunter so nice meetings Hunter" he looked shocked at this and smiled slightly, "yeah nice to meet you to, so uh what's your name"
What was your name
Was it Elliot.. No that's not it
Tristan.. No not that either,
"(Y/n), my name is (Y/n)"

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