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"Hey, Aqua, you need me to drop you o-"

"I've got a ride," I replied to my sister, rolling my eyes. 

"Who is it today, then? Drew? Ramon? No, let me think... Leyla?"

"None of your business. I'm out." I left the house as Drew pulled up in front of the house. "Your sister at it again?" he asked as I climbed into his convertible. "Let's just get out of here," I replied, annoyed.

Drew nodded, doing as I'd said before turning toward me, looking slightly... worried.

"Hey, you good?"

In all honestly, I didn't exactly feel great. I'd woken up with a horrible stomachache and I hadn't been able to stomach any breakfast at all. Even the glass of milk I'd tried to gulp down hadn't exactly gone over well. 

"I'm fine. Just keep your eyes on the road, 'kay?" 

"If you say so, Sunshine."

We drove the rest of the way in silence, my stomach turning over as I gulped.


"Hey, Drew, Aquarius..."

"What's up?"

"You two seriously not official yet?"

"Party at mine Friday!"

Hanging out with the footballers was like stepping into a stampede. You were at constant risk of being trampled, physically and verbally. They were, however, good fun-not to mention incredibly gullible... 

"There comes Gemini," one of the guys hollered, laughing. I turned toward Gemini who was talking to some brunette boy. I could only see the back of his head, but something about him just looked so unusually familiar. I wasn't sure what it was-maybe it was the way he stood or his gentle nods. This boy reminded me of Cancer. My Cancer. 

Intrigued, I broke away from the footballers, walking over to Gemini, adjusting my black halter top. "Chatting up some new guy, are you?" I asked, hands on hips. "Just because your boyfriend left you for better..." Gemini bristled, pulling herself up. 

"Let's not forget that he didn't notice you until you became Barbie back from the dead," Gemini replied, raising her voice so that everyone in the corridor could hear. Scorpio and Libra sniggered along with Taurus and Pisces before catching sight of my expression and turning away, talking amongst themselves.  

"Anyway, who is this guy?" I asked, choosing to ignore Gemini I turned toward the boy to find him staring at me, eyes wide as if something had surprised him. "Aquarius?" he echoed incredulously, taking a step closer to me. The way he walked, uncertain but determined, that was how Cancer walked. "Hilarious, Gemini. Tell your friend to stop it." 

But Gemini too was watching this boy, her eyes as wide as saucers, when Libra stepped forward, smiling. "This is Will. He's Cancer's cousin."

Cancer's cousin. He looked so much like Cancer-the same features, except his hair was brown and his eyes were blue. The same walk, the same smile, the same stance. 

He was too much like Cancer. It didn't seem possible. 

"Y-yeah, hi, I'm Will Chang. Cancer told me about you. This just... I mean, it's not how I pictured you, heh..."

The same loveable awkwardness. The exact same twiddling of the thumbs. 

"I think..."

I hit the floor, the world vanished as I was encompassed in a sea of darkness. 


"She's waking up, thank God..."

I opened my eyes, rubbing them due to my natural reflexes. White walls surrounded me, the faint smell of disinfectant present in the space. 

I was in the nurse's office.

In front of me stood Gemini, looking incredibly flushed, along with William and... Drew. Gemini threw her arms around me, supposedly forgetting all about everything that had happened over the past few weeks. I leaned into her embrace, drawing comfort from it. Gemini had hurt me-heck, she'd changed me completely-and yet I loved her. I would always love Gemini. She was like my heartbeat-constant and unwavering until the day I died. I couldn't believe everything I'd done to Gemini-to my best friend-just because of some guy. 

But still, this wasn't the time to back down. Gemini had done something horrible, and I wasn't going to let it go so easily. Pushing Gemini away abruptly, I narrowed my eyes at her. "Jeez, get off me."

"I-I just thought..." she stumbled, looking for something to say. 

"Everyone, clear out. I need to speak with Aquarius privately." The nurse broke through our conversation, smiling one of those friendly school nurse smiles at me. There was something about the smile that made me feel comfortable. Like everything would be okay. 

Everyone left the room, Gemini eyeing me with concern as she walked away. The nurse sat herself at the edge of my bed, still smiling. "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" asked the nurse, placing her hand to my forehead. 

"I-I was nauseous this morning and I just felt incredibly tired, and I was really dizzy..."

"Aquarius, I'm going to need you to do something for me."

The nurse held it out, and suddenly, the horror settled over me.

I couldn't be...

Could I?


It was 10pm. I'd officially been wandering the boulevard aimlessly for 8 hours, wondering what I was supposed to do now. How could I have been so... stupid? If only I hadn't freaked out, changed... None of this would have happened.

My head sunk to my hands and I sobbed openly, unafraid of what anyone had to say to me. I didn't want to go home-I was too ashamed. I couldn't go to Drew's-it was too late.

There was only one place left for me to go. 

Pulling out my phone, I opened Google Maps, punching in Gemini's address. I needed my best friend. I didn't even care about what had happened or about how horrible I'd been to her. I just needed her so desperately. I needed her the way a fish needs water. The way a baby needs parents. The way a turtle needs its shell. 

I needed Gemini more than I'd ever needed her before.

"You have reached your destination," announced Google Maps as I pocketed my phone, raising my hand to ring the doorbell. A sleepy-looking Gemini answered, her eyes widening when she saw me at the door.

"What's wrong, Aqua? You need some water or-"

"Gemini. Gemini, I'm pregnant."

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