Chapter 24 - my girl

Start from the beginning

"Butcher." I whisper to Carter as he looks down at my foot and sighs. "Bryan Johnston." He tells the officers. "He doesn't like Jax because Jax is buff and he loses to him in training competitions." He tells the police as I sit.

"My step grandfather was beat up and mugged a few weeks ago by him. I know it was him." I tell them as I stand up pacing the floor. Rylee knows not to leave without telling me, and this isn't normal for her, I know something has happened.

"Can you tell us if anything abnormal has happened lately?" They ask as I close my eyes. The only thing that's been happening is the gates been breaking without reason.

"The gate, it broke randomly for no reason. I had it fixed but it broke again. It's electric and I've got motion sensors in my cars that open it. Ry just got a brand new car this morning, so hers didn't have one yet." I tell them.

"Thank you." They tell me back leaving me alone as I hold Rylee's cardigan in my hands. If I just knew who did this I could kill them, but I honestly have no clue. I've fought and won so many fights that I can't keep up with the amount of men I've beat.

"Carter I'm done." I spit out holding her cardigan tighter in my fist. "I'm fucking done. I don't care about the money and I don't care about winning anymore. I want a life with her and it's gone." I spit out to him as he pats my back.

"I know man. That's why I quit, we'll find her and when we do we'll both take turns killing the mother fucker." He tells me as I nod. That's when my phone starts ringing on the table alerting the police.

"Don't answer that yet!" They yell before stopping me. It's an unknown number and I have no clue what's going on.

"It's most likely a ransom call. If it's Rylee you keep her on the phone as long as possible so that we can tap into the phone lines and pin her location. When your ready answer it but do not sound concerned at all." They tell me as I nod and clean the tears from my face.

I answer it as I hear her breathing. I go to start as the agent shakes her head no.

"Jax?" Rylee's voice comes in as relief hits me that she's still alive.

"Ry?" I ask back. "Rylee where are you?!" I ask trying to stay calm. They give me a thumbs up as they keep searching on laptops trying to find her location.

"-He-y, honey bun-, I need your help with something." She tells me and I realize what she means. I remember us joking around when her police show came up. Honey buns her code word, and I know she's been kidnapped.

"Okay" I tell her back as I grab a notepad and write kidnapped and the words honey bun is code before handing it over to the police chief.

"I need you to transfer two- million dollars into an account honey-. There's a house I found off the coast of Florida like we talked about. I took a spontaneous trip to come and see it. It's two million-, but I need the money is this account for the bank to take it, they don't take our credit card company. You'll love it honey bun. I need it in three hours honey or we can't get it." She tells me sadly. And I don't care about the damn money. I don't. I'll give money to anyone to get her back in my arms. I go to open my bank account when the police stop me and tell me to keep talking to her. Three hours. I've got three hours to find her.

"Give me the account number and I'll transfer it." I tell her playing into it as they continue typing and looking for her.

"98876534-12567." She tells me as I start writing the down. "What bank honey bun?" I ask so she realizes that I know something isn't right and that she's been taken.

"Express. It's overseas, Caribbean-?" She ends with asking and I know in that moment that someone is telling her everything to say. "Yeah, that's it." She tells me as I point to the laptop and the analysis ladies do their things.

"Honey where exactly is this house?" I ask her playing into the fantasy before the line goes dead and my heart cracks. I pick up my phone ready to break it in half when they stop me, "That's your only form of communication!" They yell when I flip the chair back breaking it in half.

"Calm down! We'll find her." They try telling me when I flip my shit. "Don't tell me to fucking calm down when I have three hours before the girl I love dies. Three hours. And if she's getting hurt right now I'll never be able to live with myself for letting that happen. So you tell me right fucking now where my girl is or I'm going to fucking murder every person in this town until I find her." I spit out.

"We got a hit." The lady tells me as I look over. "She's an hour and a half away, Calhoun Street. She's in-, it looks like a shipping yard, maybe a shipping container." She tells me as Carter starts, "Bryan's a shipping manager." He tells me when I flip.

A damn fight. All this over a damn fight. Money that he lost? "All units." They announce over the microphones on their ears.

"Calhoun Street shipping yard." They announce walking out. "Mr. Rutledge it's best if you stay here in case the situation is not what we expect." They try to stop me from leaving out the back door.

"Give me a bulletproof vest then. I'm going." I tell them pushing one of the men out of the way as I grab my Camaro keys and speed out of the yard before they can stop me with Carter right beside me in my passengers seat.

I hear police sirens behind me as I speed through town hoping they chase me. I'm getting my Rylee back and when I do, I'm never letting go.

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