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Season 3 Part 2➳➳➳➳➳Sheriff and I open the door and find Stiles standing by the wall of windows

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Season 3 Part 2
Sheriff and I open the door and find Stiles standing by the wall of windows. He slowly turns towards us and his brows raise up.

"Hi, Dad." He utters. Sheriff looks at me and he nods his head. We both step down the stairs and walk over to Stiles. Sheriff pulls out his handcuffs and Stiles' eyes drop to them.

"You wanna handcuff me?" He asks.

"If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect him from himself and from others." Sheriff says. Stiles lowers his head and holds his hands up. Sheriff slowly and gently places the handcuffs around Stiles' wrists. Stiles then picks his head up and he's completely different. His eyes are exhausted and puffy. Under his eyes are dark and sunken in, he's got an evil glare on his face.

"You're not my son." Sheriff says. Stiles tilts his head, frowning at us as if saying 'no, you idiot.' We hear growls coming from both sides of us. Sully and Derek team up on Stiles but Stiles easily wins. I finally pull out my baton and pull the pin. I swing it around, preparing to fight Nogitsune Stiles. He easily grabs my baton and we play tug of war with it. He begins pulling on it, dragging my feet across the floor, pulling me closer to him. Once he's in arms reach, his large hand wraps around my throat. He's quick to stop when we hear the sound of a gun cocking. We turn our heads and see Chris pointing his gun at Stiles.

"Argent, listen to me." Sheriff says, holding his hand up. "Don't do this."

"Why not?" Chris asks. "I've done it before. Werewolves. Berserkers. I can easily add a Nogitsune to the list."

"You're not going to shoot my son." Sheriff argues.

"You said it yourself, Sheriff. That's not your son." Chris says. Sheriff is quick to pull his gun out and points it at Chris.

"Put it down." He demands. Chris side eyes sheriff, keeping his gun up and pointed. "Put it down." He repeats.

"Dad, he's gonna shoot me. He's going to kill me, Dad." Stiles begins crying.

"Don't listen." Chris advices Sheriff.

"Put it down." Sheriff growls. "Now! Do it! Put it down!" He yells.

"Pull the trigger." Stiles says, staring right into Chris' eyes. "Come on."

"Listen to me. You put the gun down now!" Sheriff yells. Stiles is quick to pull the baton from my grasp and tosses it, he swings me around and presses my back against his chest.

"You wanna shoot me? You pull the trigger, it goes through her and then me. Do it. Pull the trigger. Come on. Shoot me." Stiles says.

"No, Stiles!-" I call before I began coughing from the tightness of his grasp.

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