thirty three

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Season 3 Part 1➳➳➳➳➳Stiles phone buzzes and he pulls it out from his pocket

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Season 3 Part 1
Stiles phone buzzes and he pulls it out from his pocket. He inhaled deeply and looks at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Wanna go to the hospital with me?" He asks.

Stiles and I arrive at the hospital and we walk through the front doors. The familiar Hispanic woman approaches us and she greets Stiles and I.

"Hey." We greet back.

"Over here." She says in a hushed tone. We follow her through the hospital before arriving at the morgue. Melissa pauses at a square door and turns to us. "If either of you tell anyone, i swear to god, I will kill you painfully and slowly." She smiles. She opens the door and pulls out the table, taking the clothes off the body and revealing the same guy I found at the pool.

"Why do you want to show me a body I've already seen?" I ask. Melissa sent Stiles a text asking to bring me to the hospital. Apparently there's something important she wants to show us.

"Because you haven't seen everything." She says. "See this around his neck? That's a ligature mark. That means he was strangled by something. Like cord, rope..."

"Okay, what kind of werewolf strangles someone?" I ask. "That's not very werewolfy."

"My thoughts exactly." Melissa nods. "And then there's this." She turns the head and we hear bones cracking. Melissa shows an opened wound on the side of the head.

"Ah, god, man, what is that? Is that brain matter? Yeah, it's brain matter, of course." Stiles sighs in disgust.

"See the indentation?" Melissa asks. "He was hit in the back of the head, hard enough to kill him. In fact, any one of these things could have killed him. I mean, someone seriously wanted this poor kid dead."

"Alright, so then this could'nt have been Boyd or Cora. They would'nt have dont all that. So maybe this is just one murder. I mean, maybe it's just a random coincidence." I say.

"I don't think it was just one." Melissa shakes her head.

"How come?" Stiles asks.

"Because that girl over there, she got the exact same injuries." Melissa says. We turn our heads and see another body lying on a table covered up. Melissa pulls the top part of the cover off revealing the girl with the same injuries as the boys. The dark, shaded indentation of rope or cord, the throat cut open and the same spot where the head was bashed open.

"The M.E. said this one wasn't just strangled. Whoever did it used a garrote. Which is a stick that you put through the rope, and you just kind of keep twisting, and..." Melissa turns her head and looks at Stiles. Stiles stood frozen, tears in his eyes that locked on the girl. "Oh, my god, did you know her?" Melissa asks. Stiles slowly nods his head, a tear rolling down his cheek. "I'm so sorry. I didn't even think." Melissa sighs. I look down and grab Stiles' hand gently, in return, he squeezes mines hard.

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