The Old must die out eventually

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Annoying Author Note at the start: Sorry I'm uploading early, I'm unable to access anything over the weekend so I'm just uploading this now. Feel free to comment your oppinions and ideas, I'll try my best to respond but it will be much later.

Ah, this meeting with All for One. No doubt he knows of my chat regarding my power which also meant that I don't have to explain it twice. Though I'm sure that I was only invited because I am meant to be the public right hand man. Which is just fancy words for an important pawn.

"Young Shigaraki, normally I wouldn't have done this so soon. But I feel my final fight is coming soon." All for One states with a fatherly tone.

"You can't mean that can you sensei? How can you be defeated with all your quirks?" Shigaraki asks confusedly.

"It's not the quirks that are the issue, even though I have given away too many of my powerful one's throughout the years. It's my health, a body can only cope and deal with so much quirk factor and well, not many people can live without a face" All for one states grimly; then after a pause to let the realisation sink in he resumes, "Shigaraki, I shall give you 2 gifts whilst I still can. I'm going to give you my very own quirk plus a personal favourite: Air Cannon. I hope you use them well, but don't over use them. Wait for my will before doing anything major, keep this a secret." Then All for one gives Shigaraki a headpat, a darkish red spark could be seen that quickly cut off signifying that All for One itself had been passed down. A lone tear could be seen dropping to the ground.

Then the Number 1 Villain looks at me, "Ah, Izuku. I wasn't sure what I should give you in such a situation. So, I will trust you with my contacts and knowledge of whereabouts. Shigaraki is the successor to my power and you are the successor to my intelect. Work together and you may accomplish great things. Though don't plan anything too big yet, I got a final Hurah as the Devil. A final fight against Allmight." And after a sharp headache and burry vision, I notice he used a some sort of grey warp quirk to send us somewhere. I can't really tell through the blurriness though. It feels like every vein in my body is on fire, almost as if I had overcharged energy through every vein and nerve and drunk too much. I mentally call out to my inner spirits to ask what's going on. Though even they sound blurry, what the hell did he do... Ah, quirks are linked to the soul... Him using a quirk fucked up with my soul.... Then to my utter surprise I see an old kido awaken on my wrists.

I thought this was just a failed kido made by Urahara, but no. It was just waiting till my reiatsu disrupted. I then start screaming as I feel my own reiatsu building up in my core and unable to escape. Then suddenly I feel non-existence for a moment, then I'm in my soulscape..

"I finally get to say hi" A quiet voice shouts out, I see the shadowy form of the hogyoku infront of me, "I was just helping you stay in good health, but you just kept getting yourself hurt... It makes me sad"

"Yes, you have been way to reckless recently Aizen, this isn't like you at all." Kyoka scolds with a cold yet harsh tone. Though I can't help but notice a 3rd spirit, even though their slowly being absorbed into the shadow of the hogyoku.

"With what that no faced guy did, it sent this spirit in here. His vestigial will, Shigaraki should've gotten it but you have it. It's just an amassed raw power, raw strength and reserves. There's no quirk in there but there's knowledge. Though currently I am re assembling your soul, this time I will fuse with you. Kyoka has decided not to yet though. Just realise that in all the wars you've been too. You are going to be ridiculously more powerful." The hogyoku spoke solomnly. I suppose she is right, there was some reiatsu from basically every faction from just the passive absorption of ambient energies - let alone the absorbed souls. Even if those abilities will only be as if I was naturally all these things. So I won't get the same level as versatility as Aaronero or All for One...

Intrusional Author note: Yeah Deku/Aizen do just be a smol sized version of cocoon aizen

Intrusional Author note: Yeah Deku/Aizen do just be a smol sized version of cocoon aizen

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