The way this world spins

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As the void arround me unveils, I appear to be in a classroom in the living world. The teacher says, "I know I have these fliers about career options for after the holiday but let's be honest, you all want to be heroes!" And then proceeds to through all the fliers in the air as all the other children show off some weak ability except me and some angry looking blonde child with red eyes.
"DON'T THINK THE LOT OF YOU WEAK-ASS EXTRAS ARE GONNA EVEN BE SIDE KICKS. ONLY I WILL PASS AND I WILL BE THE RICHEST AND MOST FAMOUS HERO, I WILL BE NUMBER ONE" said blonde yells whilst forming explosions from his hands. Hmm seems like a powerful enough ability I suppose, very versatile and combat oriented.

"Ah yes, your applying for UA aren't you Bakugo? And umm, so is Midoria I believe." The teacher says with cold eyes. The angry blonde marches to me and explodes my desk, "YOUR JUST A QUIRKLESS DEKU, YOU'LL ONLY DIE. If you want to be a hero, jump off a building and wish for a quirk in your next life" So I guess I'm called Deku Midoria? I'm either asleep or reality crumbled when me and Ichigo faded in the void he created. I try to flare my reiatsu to crush them all to the ground but nothing happens, I don't appear to have my old powers at the moment. And at this point I'm just cursing away at how this human fool is trying to stand above me, I didn't transcend beyond shinigami and hollows to be bested by a damn human!

I then realise that I have no idea where this Midoria lives as I leave the school and walk aimlessly. I hear something behind me but pay to attention to it, lots of things happen in cities.

Then I feel slime around me suffocating my lungs, am I seriously going to die this early? This is pathetic! All I've lived and experienced to simply die to a slimy pedophile who wants my body?
I then hear a loud WOOSH by my ear as some big blonde guy with a blue costume punches the slimy nuisance. Hmm someone of his power could be useful, I must speak with him further. If he's powerful, he could help me become stronger in this world. Afterall if a shinigami has to be given an asauchi to use their power perhaps quirks are the same. So I do something utterly pathetic and hold onto his leg as he jumps off.
"What are you doing? Let go!" He says annoyed. However I point out I'd die if I did because we're about 50-70 feet in the air. He grunts in annoyance and lands on a roof. From what I saw on one of the many adverts, this man is called All Might - the number one hero.

"Is it possible to gain a quirk? I don't have one and I really want to be a hero! Can I be a powerful hero like you who saves people with I smile on their face?" I say with a sweetness that makes me want to puke. Then I see lots of steam come from him as he deflates into a skeleton of a man and spits out blood. He then says, "No without a quirk you cannot become a hero, just become a police officer. Sure they don't really do much except transport prisoners but it's honourable work. Also don't tell anyone you saw me like this"
Well that sounds soul destroying if I was being honest in what I said to him. I then pull the phone out of the blazer pocket and guess the password which was "AllMight123" and then use the map app to get directions home. On TV, the child who was bullying me earlier seems to be praised for heroism for doing nothing but having power. Whilst some girl with half red half white hair is getting scolded for being reckless for trying to save him without a quirk.

Author Note
In future I plan on uploading a chapter every Sunday, I simply uploaded these two together out of boredom. On that note, I may end up uploading more than I intended to originally because I'm weird like that.

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