The Classmates and the plan to quit

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Well, with the whole class bar Shoto, Vine hair and some boring guy who looks half like he should be a businessman or politician; staring at me like I'm an intruder, I quickly pull my ID out of my pocket and say that I sit in Chair 9.

I ask what's going on and they tell me of how my old buddies parents got killed by the Un-named villain who 'attacked me' earlier. Which actually works in my favor, since now I get to act way less shy because who doesn't love an avenger.
"I'll kill that bastard." I grumble just loud enough for everyone to hear. Some dark haired girl walks up to me and drags me into a chair whilst some spikey haired kid with a headband is swearing profusely in agreement that the villain of my creation should die. The blonde male seems to be writing some sort of theory on the board about how weak Class 1-A must be to have suffered so many losses.

Then I decide to close my eyes, this class trusted me way too quickly, though I suppose that isn't the worst. Perhaps I could even try and recruit a couple of them. With that in mind - I get the slightly crazed blonde; the dark haired emotionless and someone with a quirk that had a strong spiritual connection to come to the sofa I am on and convince them to join me. Albeit under the guise of a future hero agency where we prove that raw strength and a convenient quirk isn't everything...

Sure that's not my personal goal, but it's enough to get alot to side with me. Which is the only important part to me. I debate if I should number them but honestly, I haven't that much interest in them. Just pawns not worth giving too much structure too, though perhaps I could augment them alittle once things are ready. Just for a potential challenge that is. But ofcource, I recieve a text message from Shigaraki saying that it's an emergency and that I'm needed at base.

So after dashing out of UA which warranted some confused glances to which I hope they just assume it's social anxiety or training. Though after following Kurogiri the bar seems to be in a messy state and well, alot of things seem a little decayed.                                                                           "Ah, so you're here now! I have questions..." He yells out, "All the attention seems to have been on you lately. Care to explain? And this villain you met, you're quirkless right now - you should've been easy enough prey to kill. What'd they say?"                                                                            "I should've figured that'd shoot me in the foot at some point" I mutter, "Ah... about that attack.... that may or may not have been me?"                                                                                          "What? But it was confirmed your quirkless, care to explain?" He asks even angrier and scratching at his neck. I realise nothing I do can explain much so I simply flair my reiatsu allowing its purple glow to pulse through the air and say, "This power, I am the one who killed them and even the kid's parents."                                                                                                                        "But I thought that was just that street level villain dabi, but less edgy" Shigaraki asks but I just quickly flicker the illusion over my face again in explanation making him whack his head, "When did you get this power anyway?"                                                                                                                      "Umm it's a culmination type so it took a while to manifest." I state blankly, "Also when can I quit UA, I honestly hate it there." Sure that ruins the espada plan but perhaps I can use that later.

Though too my luck such an availability was open soon, the league had planned an attack on UA when class 1A are in USJ though according to the document it was cross class training since even the backup heroes need to be able to rescue. So I just have to wait till then and be one of the kidnapped students. They'd even managed to hire the villain Mr Compress to make it easier. But first, we have one final meeting with All-for-One before the leagues plans reach a critical public level.

Author Note:

Bad news, my phone finally died which is where I used to write the chapters because it was more comfortable to type there. So I'll be using my laptop until I am able to replace said phone. Also might have a job now so if that causes any issues here I will let you know. Thanks for sticking with me this long :D

The story speed is also going to increase a bit, so a lot more instory events will be occuring. Won't say what though unless you nag.

Also thinking of making a loose plan for a new story, currently a complete blank but ayo. Someday I might say a bit about myself but meh. Yeah that's all I got left to say now. Thanks again. So how soon you reckon I should start the next story? What would you like me to experiment with?

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