The Path to a Goal

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I wake up in a room with a short nurse who is holding a questionably large needle.
"So, the only kid who got rescue points only got 1 villain point? What was his written score?" A guy with tired eyes asks.
"Well thing is, he aced the written tests" the person I believe was called Present Mic replies.
"The child is quirkless but because of his written score and his rescue points he did manage to scrape into the hero course. So where do we put him?" the tired person responds.
"Well I suppose we can just put him in class B. This way the press can't make us look bad and he won't gain much public attention. A win win situation!" Present Mic responds with what appears to be a lightbulb glowing above his head, suppose the guy feels he's made an achievement. I then close my eyes and try to focus on seeing the spiritual presence of everything - basically how Kaname can 'see' whilst being blind.

To my surprise it actually worked, I suppose I am beginning to recover my strength. I should probably dub this as a weak aura quirk and simply pass of my future reiatsu as a simple evolution. On further note I realise that I can half read people's quirks from what their 'aura' feels like. The tired guy for example has most of their aura in their eyes and a little in the hair - a sign of an ocular quirk. Whereas Mic has more around his mouth and speakers. I suppose this will increase the edge of my knowledge in a combat scenario.

Once I finished marvelling at the good news, I greet these people in the room with the sorest voce I've ever produced. The 'important' people ignore me but some of the hospital staff notice me and offer me a glass of water. It had no noticeable taste. The staff then notice that I am awake and introduce themselves as Present Mic, Erasure Head and some new animal thing called Nezu.

They show me a soundless clip of how I saved the pink haired girl and how she wanted to give her points to me - she apparently was only aiming for the support course and just wanted the testing opportunity. Well, guess I did choose a useful person to ally with - atleast until my power is completely returned but then again a Research and Development department is always a good thing.

"We have seen your achievements and acts of heroism during the exam and we are happy to announce you've been accepted. Usually this would be done by letter but you do appear to be a special case. So when term starts in 2 weeks- we are happy to accept you as a member of Class 1B. Here is your ID card - just ask around. The big 3 and the rest of your upperclassmen and women are exemplary students who will give all advice needed to you fledglings" Nezu basically half advertised to me before giving me a list of school supplies. I do have a question left though. "Are we allowed to use support gear to make up for my lack of offensive quirk? Like a sword or something? Snipe uses a gun so I thought maybe I could be armed too?" I ask seeping as much panic into my voice as I can.
"Yes, for long as you don't use lethal versions in training. Heroes have the right to kill Villains and Villains only." Erasure Head explains.

Well, I suppose I have the heroes just where I need them. Now the one task I have left before things get busy is to setup my alliances with the League of Villains. My goal is to not be controlled by those I deem weak, which is basically everyone. Self explanatory.

A few hours after the UA staff left the nurses said I could leave provided I used the walking sticks to support balance. This is probably going to ruin my image to the league but hey least I have an unregistered "quirk" to use to my advantage. With that and the hero journals, I'm sure it's too tempting an offer to refuse - Information and Spywork - hell if I gave them enough information I could basically make the League a hitman for me.

First I simply need to get in touch with Giran. From the pages I've followed he can mess with memories but those people also cannot say what he even looked or sounded like so they could just be liars. Warrants some suspicion though. I do not actually have any weapons or disguise stuff at the moment, hopefully the League will solve that for me...

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