The beggining of the next phase

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When my senses return to the real world, I see both Allmight and Shoto staring right at my face. Did I hurt myself?

"Young Midoria, what happened? Is there something wrong?"Allmight asks loudly. Shoto just nods at me as if that's meant to mean anything. Gah, I really wish I was at the league - least they wouldn't question such inconveniences. I grab the table to help me stand up and notice that I can indeed feel my own reiatsu now. It feels a little different from how it used to be but atleast it exists.

"So what are we doing again?" I ask.
"Hmm can't think or anything else to do. Perhaps we should call it a day and go home" Allmight responds. So we all just wave as we walk our separate ways.

Then I text Shigaraki saying to open up a portal to the base for me. In which results are swift and Kurogiri is already asking if I need any alchohol to recover from dealing with the heroes. I reject the offer and report my current predicament to Shigaraki, letting him know that my position is firmly secure. I am then ordered downstairs to where the training grounds are.

One swift walk later I am standing in the training grounds and then Shigaraki walks in after me and locks us inside. I raise an eyebrow before he begins talking.
"So you managed to get close to Allmight? Why not kill him then? Just keep a knife in your pocket and stab him whilst he isn't powered up!" Shigaraki complains.
"Well, wouldn't you rather wait for a better opportunity? You need to break the people's trust in heroes - we are villains not assassins." I respond dryly.

With my point said, Shigaraki shrugs and says I need to give him some useful information about Allmights teaching schedule then or he will have to use Toga. I point out that Toga's quirk is more suited than my own if they want to steal files but I am willing to give whatever info I get trusted with if it won't compromise myself. Then Shigaraki asks me to give him a secret and then he will tell me one in turn. But then instantly retracts the offer and leaves quickly as if to pretend it never happened.

What a strange person. Tho there is a stranger issue too, All for One wants the quirk back for a Nomu project. Shame, guess that means I'm quirk-less again but I still have need for the league so I'm not going to act too disappointed by it. Officially I had never unlocked it anyway and complaining will only cause issues. Besides, I already have a path to power laid ahead of me. In my frustration I subconsciously fire a Byakurai albeit a ridiculously weak one with no incantation that renders my reserves halved.

Luckily I am weak and the spell fizzled out before hitting anything, though this does mean I am going to have to keep firing these low grade kido until the obvious happens. With my thoughts collected I walk back upstairs and notice that my reserves replenish at a surprisingly high rate, must be a side effect of having the hogyoku in me.

Once returned in the room, Shigaraki seems to be having a discussion with that Giran guy. I ignore the conversation and walk to Degobah beach, turns out the place is still a tip. Perhaps I can use this to train myself and let's be honest it will be a decent measure of progress if I can destroy it. Afterall, I already have control over my power. I can set up all the barriers and traps and kido created illusions all I want once I have enough energy.

So I cast a quick Shō on an empty can of Tango and watch as it falls. Then I have a terrible idea, can I just fire a....

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hadō 31, Shakkahō" I chant, not even finishing my thoughts. Unfortunately the spell didn't go as planned as I ran out of energy because I tried to charge it to the default academy level but I haven't the reserves to perform that high. So you will never guess what happened, It blew up because the change in flow destabilized it making it break my fingers as it blew up on me.

A mild white meshy substance temporarily covers my skin and it is healed, abeit I am out of expendable reiatsu and I have done way better too much in one day.

Author note:
yeah, I am sleep deprived and wanted to get this done. But then school happened, and a few other things. But I hope it's enough. I am oddly exited about the football though, despite the fact I am not a fan of watching sports. Though I do feel mildly apologetic for nerfing and buffing poor Izuku/Aizen like this... it's a bit lame but then again, a quirk like overclock is just as damaging as one for all on a weak body and a nomu would be a much better place for the quirk of umm I'm going to end the note now because Idk if any of you are reading the vigilante side books and well - that's where the quirk is from.

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