The bloodlust can be hard to control at times

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Unfortunately I get woken up with the feeling of immense heat nearby, no where near as intense as the Head Captains - but hardly anything to scoff at. Though it isn't a comfortable heat to be near.

"Child, why are you practicing your quirk here?" The fiery man also known as endeavor asks.
"I go to UA so I need to be stronger." I quickly put together, though I am curious as to why he is here. This area isn't part of his patrol.
"Yes, you should always be strong enough to defeat an enemy with minimal time loss. An injured villain is easier to take out" Endeavour returns with a wisened nod, "I want you to do well later in the year, trust me. Bakugo also seems promising with his raw power. It's not like me to give advice but heroes are getting weak."
I give a quiet nod and tell him I have everything planned, he then dashes off.

That's an interesting way to wake up, I then check my phone which is on 37% - time means I will be late. Unless I flashstep, so that's exactly what I do and because of how much faster that was - I was a minute early and my available reserves are at 30%. So I only have a single kido left.

Not to my surprise Vlad pats my back and said "Hope it goes well". God damn it... And because of how early in the year it is, we aren't having the academic classes yet. Though we do have some sort of speaker coming to our class later to explain what our class is being trained to be. Though I do half feel I need to make my first kill as Deku soon for the League's favor.

As I sit in my chair I notice how big the door really is. Though I don't get to think on that long because apparently we need a class rep and vice rep. Some vine haired girl got rep and some plain looking guy called Nirengeki got vice. A troublesome blonde however was deeply upset that he didn't get a role. Though what is annoying is that I sit between them since the rows are in fives.

Though to my surprise some person in glasses runs through the door chopping their hands saying I am needed. So I follow, there's not much that can go wrong is there?


Never mind, Bakugo is here. This is not going to be enjoyable and I can feel some sort of instinct coming from this body saying he's going to cause pain. I am then dragged into a training grounds with just me and Bakugo inside.

"So you still think your useless ass can even stand in the same course as me? DEKU?" He asks 'calmly'.
"Allmight says that anyone can be a hero with hard work" I say ignoring the fact that I know he lied.
"Anyone with a quirk maybe but you? Your just another quirk-less nobody. Not even a damn extra! Ha, you'd die to the first villain you encounter. You wanna die deku?" Bakugo half rants in his ummm calm-ish voice.
"A hero must be willing to sacrifice their all, even their life should that be required" I state robotically as if I was reading from a book.
"A hero that dies straight away is just a
looser. Understand it!" The blonde yells as he blasts the the material off my left shoulder and burning the skin beneath lightly.

Now that annoyed me deeply, almost as much as when someone would repeatedly fail in my calligraphy classes back in my lieutenant days. So I pull my arm up and point at his neck.

"What you think you're going to do? You have no quirk, you're not a threat to me!" Bakugo asks confusedly.

"Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws." I chant whilst seeing his face twist in confusion as he fails to realise the danger he is in, "Hadō 33 Sōkatsui!" You see, this kido requires greater control than a shakaho which is why it's perfect to use right now.

Due to how close to our heads I cast the kido, we were both blinded as the blueish fire burned away at the target's throat.
As my vision began to adjust as the flames and smoke die out, I see the full extent of what I have done... His throat is so destroyed that he could've passed as a zombie if he wasn't dead at my feet. My temporarily unstable mind now decides who I need to kill next, Nighteye. His quirk is too risky for me...

My mind that is set in kill mode fails to notice a darkish blue blur that kicks my in the face, a mild purple glow surrounds me as my eyes fade into a familiar purple. I assume the hogyoku took control because I'm at risk of death. I feel the power coursing through my veins as I am forcefully empowered. I feel the wind against my arm as it jabs forwards, my arm painfully breaks and regenerates but the blue haired boy is now halted. The next thing I see is blood and some legs flying through the air. A gruesome sight that would leave many traumatised but all I can see is the power I am gaining, I even feel the orb steal the power within the souls I have killed. Though it only seems to be energy so it gets used to fill the almost medium sized pool of my reiatsu...

I then fire a quick kido to scortch the wall to appear as if a portal was opened- afterall it was a villain attack, just want them to guess wrong.

Author note:
Welp... I didn't plan on killing this early and please don't hate on me for killing of 2 powerful students. Bakugo's pride and knowledge let him down since he wouldn't ever expect such an act from the 'weak quirkless deku'. And Ida? Well the hogyoku offers hollow like regeneration and powers up the user when in a near death state- Ida just lacked experience and would've won if the hogyoku wasn't even remotely connected to Izuku/Aizen. A relatively long one this week and umm don't forget to sleep. Really... i tried not sleeping for 3 nights and lets say the headache isn't fun... So I shall sleep now!

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