TB | Take 6~

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Scenario: Mango doesn't give up trying to help Rose :'3

Mango: I made hot chocolate :3

Rose: I don't want hot chocolate

Mango: I did not make hot chocolate for you. It's for me

Rose: then why are you telling me?

Mango: it's a conversation starer.

Rose: *scoffs* pretty lame convo starter.

Mango: oh, is it now?

Rose: ...yeah.

Mango: we seem to be conversing. Checkmate.


Green: Orange is mine

Pink: no he is mine

Blue: I'm fairly certain that Orange doesn't belong to anyone...

Pink: wrong.

Green: he definitely likes me.

Pink: stop being jealous! How petty can you get?

Green: I once edited a Wikipedia page to win an argument I was wrong about.


Orange: *holding up his phone on a Wikipedia page* HOLY MACARONI WHAT IS THIS?!

"Orange loves Green."

Beans texting:

Lemon: frick, can I copy the homework from someone? It's due tomorrow morning!!

Rose: lol, nope

Emerald: that's CHEATING! :0

Indigo: copy mine :3

Lemon: ew as if! You've probably gotten it all wrong. Anyone else?

Peach: bold of you to assume I actually did the homework

Lapis: I'll help you, Lemon.


A few weeks later~

Coal: sure, I'll help.

Coal: oh hang on a sec...


Chocolate: *faceplants off his scooter into the concrete ground*

Lapis: *rushes over to help*

Lemon: *to Rose* how does he look? Not that I care-

Rose: *glances over* a little better than you, actually.


Lemon: I know one of you in this room is going to betray us.

Indigo: is it me, Lemon?

Lemon: No, it's not you.

Emerald: I know it isn't me...

Lemon: true

Scarlet: is it me?

Lemon: *mockingly* Is IT mE?


Rose: *screams*

Peach: *screams louder to establish dominance*

Emerald: *backs away, feeling freaked out*

Lemon: uh, Lapis... should we do something?

Lapis: yeah we should *remains stood there, watching*

Lemon: Lapis?

Lapis: I said we should... BUT I wanna see who wins.

~a while later~

Indigo: *walks in with Snow* please stop that... he doesn't like loud noises

Snow: *screams like a banshee*

Everyone: O.o


Snow: thewe. Everyone shh.


Lemon and Indigo walk into a room*

Lemon: *to Scarlet and Coal* why are your tongues purple?

Coal: we had slushies. I had a blue one.

Scarlet: I had a red one. Obviously :3

Lemon: oh.


Lemon: OH...


Indigo: you drank each other's slushies?

Lemon: sure, let's go with that.


Black: there is no future. There is no past. Do you see?
Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.


All the kids:

Lime: all I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first...


Rose: *posts a super low quality photo to the group chat*

Lemon: if I had a dollar for every pixel in that image, I would have 15 cents.

Rose: if I had a dollar for every ounce of rage in my body after reading this text, I'd have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at your face

Emerald: actually I did the math, Lemon would have $225, not $0.15

Lemon: shutup nerd

Chocolate: if I had a dollar I would buy a cookie :)

Indigo: while you're there, can you buy me an apply juice please?

Chocolate: sorry I only actually have five cents.

Indigo: :(

Emerald: actually Peach just pointed out to me, Lemon is getting one dollar per pixel, not one cent, therefore Lemon would have $22500

Coal: if I had $22500 I would buy a cookie and an apply juice.

Rose: if you had $22500 you could buy ANYTHING you want...

Coal: yeah and they want a cookie and an apply juice.

Lemon: an apply juice to what?

Rose: straight into your ugly face

Lapis: ...well, good chat everyone.

Teal: what did I just walk into?

Scarlet: ya don't wanna know

Rose: you didn't walk, you smushed your finger into a screen.

Teal: screw you, I'm on laptop ;)


Snow, irl: everyone is sitting here in the exact same room... so why are they all using their phones to talk? ._.

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