TB (who would have guessed?)

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When Teal apologises to Scarlet after almost killing her:

Teal: I'm really sorry...

Scarlet: no problem, I forgive you

Teal, surprised: you don't wanna kill me?

Scarlet: Nah. Besides, my mom wouldn't have wanted me to kill anyone... after the whole imposter thing, heh

Red (from the afterlife): KILL THE RAT!


During training:

Black: why do people seem to hate Lime so much...? I've been philosophising but can't seem to come up with a valid theory.

Green: well, the answer is pretty simple.

Black: go on, then-

Pink: some people are like slinkies.

Black: huh?

Brown: how? There are like, over a million different ways that humans and slinkies are completely different-

Pink: not good for much but make you laugh when you push them down the stairs.

Everyone: ........

Blue: um... there aren't any stairs in Mira HQ, are there?

Brown: yup, to get to the sleeping quarters

Everyone: .........

Pink: >:3

Blue: ...meh never mind. NEXT ON THE AGENDA-


Emerald: I have a bad feeling about this.

Peach: you have a what?

Emerald: uh - don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if something is going to get you in trouble?

Peach: um, no?


Emerald: well that actually explains a lot


Black: [through his imposter communication device] what is it Red, I'm busy!

Red: I know you need to kill Pink, but I've just had an amazing idea!

Black: *yawns and sighs* go on then-

Red: would consecutively drinking 42 cans of red bull give us heightened senses so we're more alert and better at killing, or...

Black: Stay there. I'm on my way.


Lime: *drops down on one knee in front of Black*

Black: what the-

Coal: so it's finally happening?

Scarlet: I can't believe this!

Lime: *ties shoelaces*

Everyone: woah-



Indigo: Snow? Please talk to me again...


Indigo: come on... you're the best person in the whole world....... Look, I'm sorry.
Please? You're the only person I'd ever trust, I love you so much, I'd defend you with my life...

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