TB | Take 2~

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Police officer: I'm pulling you over

Peach: why?

Police officer: because you're being dangerous

Peach: no sir, I don't think I am, sir

Police officer: You're trying to fit four people onto a motorcycle!

Rose: *from behind Peach* four?!

Emerald: what?

Police officer: yes... you and those three


Emerald: I warned you this was a bad idea, Peach!


Da beans playing truth or dare:

Lemon: Rose. Truth or Dare.

Rose: truth.

Everyone: *gasps*

Peach: yey

Lemon: uh... would you punch Chocolate-

Rose: yes

Chocolate: :<

Lemon: I haven't finished the question...

Rose: oops, sorry. Go ahead.

Lemon: would you punch him for £10?

Rose: *passes Lemon a £10 note* sure

Lemon: ...no, I meant would you punch him if it earned you £10?

Rose: oh I'd pay to punch him anyway.

Everyone: ................


Lemon: I'm quitting space school

Lime: why?

Lemon: I've found an easier way to earn a living.


Da beans are about to storm ASAN, they're outside and just need a distraction now:

Lapis: so what are we gonna do to distract them?

Scarlet: I could go and tell them I'm gonna go back to being an imposter? They'll be busy talking to me so you can slip by unnoticed?

Coal: no Scar, too dangerous for you.

Emerald: like... we could throw a rock or something?

Peach: why can't I just walk in there and snap a few necks?

Rose: nah, we should get a sacrifice. I vote we yeet Emerald in there and whilst they're busy attacking him, we can sneak through

Emerald: I don't like that idea...

Rose: only because you're the bait. You'd like it if I was the bait.

Emerald: ...

Teal: I wouldn't mind being the bai-

Scarlet: *hugs Teal* NO WAY!

Snow: mommy can-


Snow: :c

Indigo: if we go in there and ask nicely with manners, they will stop hurting us on missions.

*suddenly there is a massive explosion*

Everyone: *confused*

Chocolate: *skips back to the group* c'mon guys, let's go whilst they're distracted.

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