Litwick Cave

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Kukui: Are you sure you don't wanna tell your friends?
Valarie: I don't wanna worry them, and besides. This is a family matter, I need to see what's going on
Kukui: But Val, maybe your father and brother wanna keep you safe from what's out there
Valarie: Uncle, I need to help them. If this is connected to my mom then maybe... I'll be able to find more clues to my mom's disappearance
Kukui:... [sigh] Okay, I'll just tell them that you're visiting, but please Val. Be more careful out there, I already lost you once, I can't lose you again
Valarie: [smile] Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to me
Kukui: Okay [kiss her forehead] You be safe out there
Valarie: Don't I always?
Kukui: Valarie
Valarie: Okay okay, I'll be safe. Come on Rocky, we got a case to solve
Rotom: And I'll be joining with you on this journey, this will be so interesting to write about in your memoir
Valarie: Rotom
Burnet: Be safe out there, Valarie
Valarie: I will

I hugged Uncle Kukui and Aunt Burnet one last time before taking my bag and leaving with Rotom and Rocky by my side as we hopped on the airplane and flew all the way to Ryme City, the trip was long but we managed to make it home. Rotom took so many photos that he couldn't stop talking about how amazing Ryme City looks, so I took the liberty to head first to Baker Detective Agency to see if Amanda Blackstone and Mike Baker know anything about Tim.

Valarie: Come on Rotom, we need to head to Baker Detective Agency
Rotom: Awwww~ I wanna go sight seeing~
Valarie: We'll do that later, right now we have a case to solve, now come on. I wonder if dad's okay, I hope he didn't end up being Pikachu
Rotom: That happened!? How!?
Valarie: Well... Tim never got to tell me but all I remember when I was a toddler was that Tim came to my dad's apartment and found Pikachu only to think he's crazy when Pikachu spoke perfect english and he only understand him, everyone else couldn't understand Pikachu at all
Rotom: Interesting. Oh! We're here

[Door Opens]

???: I'm telling you my son is in danger and we have to stop them!!
Valarie: Dad!
Harry: Val, oh my sweet little girl [hugs Valarie] Thank goodness you're okay
Valarie: Dad, what's going on? Where's Tim?
Harry:... Apparently "They" has him
Valarie: "They"? They who?
Harry:... That's the thing, I don't know who has him, it could be anyone I know
Valarie: But isn't Roger Clifford arrested for causing "R"
Harry: I know sweetie, but Roger passed away because of an illness and now I don't know who is responsible for this
Frank: We may need to scout the areas the Pokémon are going on a rampage, maybe we'll learn something from there
Harry: Val, I want you to head back to my apartment and find a map to the Litwick cave
Valarie: Why?
Harry: Cause that's where the incident happened when Emilia and Meiko were attacked
Valarie: Okay, I'll go check it out
Frank: Be careful out there, Val. Remember to let us know what you discover
Valarie: Got it
Mike: Well Val, you're officially a junior detective
Valarie: Junior Detective?
Harry: That means you're younger than all of us, you'll need a little training but I know for certain you're ready for anything
Valarie: Thanks dad, I guess I'll be off to the Litwick Cave. I'll call you when I get there
Harry: Please do. Oh! And to help you assist on your journey, Detective Pikachu will go with you to see how well you handle the investigation
Valarie: Cool!

I left the detective agency with Detective Pikachu on my shoulders as we walked to my dad's apartment, I was a bit disappointed of the fact that my dad didn't clean up but Rotom decided to do so along with Rocky as Pikachu and I search for the map, before long I found it inside my dad's cabinet and looked at the lines and dots to see where the Litwick Cave is. We left the Apartment and took a cab to the cave, then we walked inside and spotted some Litwick and Drifloon all around.

Valarie: Wow, what an amazing cave
Rotom: You said it, so beautiful, so intriguing, so-
Valarie: [gasp] Rotom!! Watch out!!!

I grabbed Rotom as we rolled around the ground and avoided Glalie's attack, when I stood up I noticed that Glalie's eyes were glowing red. Pikachu stood his grounds while I panicked for a second but then remembered that ice types are weak against rock types, I got Rocky to use Rock Throw and it caused a huge damage to Glalie that it started flying towards us and we dodged it's attack just in the nick of time. However, we didn't realized that we were now trapped inside the cave, but now Glalie was gone and we didn't have to worry about it.

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