A Crowning Moment Of Truth

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The day after Lana got her Z-Ring and Z-Crystal

We all decide to head to an area around Wela Volcano, where the Wela Fire Festival is being held. Rocky, Selena, and Lilo decided to stay out of their poke ball while Nyx stayed in her poke ball so that she can rest.

Kiawe: hey Ash, Val. How would you like to help Litten, Lilo, and Selena get stronger?
Ash: huh? Of course I would. Sounds great!
Valarie: really? How?
Kiawe: that's what I thought. This festival's perfect for you

I followed Kiawe while Rocky slightly pushed me close to Kiawe while I glared at her and blushed, I haven't forgotten what she did on purpose.

Kiawe: hey Val, after this event, why don't we go get some treats. I'll pay
Valarie: you sure?
Kiawe: no problem, anything to make you and your Pokémon happy
Selena [Salazzle]: salazzle~
Rocky [Lycanroc]: roc! [nods agreeable]
Valarie: [blush] [whisper] you two are not helping!
Kiawe: come on Val, the sooner Olivia puts the Wela crown, the stronger your Pokémon will be
Valarie: really?
Kiawe: yup, it's made of cooled lava. When Pokémon are crowned with it, they'll become strong, like Wela Volcano itself
Valarie: whoa
Ash: [chuckles]
Pikachu: pika
Kukui: and apparently it's especially effective on fire types
Kiawe: I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for Litten, Lilo, and Selena
Ash: great, Litten. You'll see. We're going to get you crowned and then you'll get a lot stronger
Litten: Mrow
Ash: of course, you too, bud
Pikachu: pika!
Ash: guys, let's go
Valarie: wait up Ash!!

I followed Ash and Kiawe to the line and waited, I scratched Selena underneath her chin while she enjoyed it. After a couple of minutes it was finally our turn, I was super stoked and excited to get Selena and Lilo crowned.

Ash: awesome! All right, we're up next!
Olivia: I'm glad you could join us
Ash: thanks. Olivia, crown us, would you please?
Olivia: [chuckles] sure. Come here
Ash: okay, go
Litten: mrow
Pikachu: pika, pika
Litten: mrow

Before Olivia could crown Litten, something came at the crown and grabbed it, we all looked up and saw what appears to look like a Marowak, only this one looked completely different from the Kanto region Marowak.

Mallow: what's that?
Steenee: Steenee
Marowak: Marowak
Ash: what's going on?
Valarie: that looks like a Marowak, only it looks completely different
Rotom: give me a moment. Here's the data. Marowak, Alola Form. A fire and ghost type. The bone Marowak holds is precious to it and it's greatest weapon. It use the bone as a torch to unleash its attack
Valarie: so a fire and a ghost type, that's not good, usually the Marowaks in the Kanto region are all ground type
Ash: an Alolan Marowak... Hey, give it back, please?
Marowak: Marowak!
Kiawe: that does not belong to you. Give it back. Stop!
Marowak: Marowak!

Kiawe came at Marowak only to dodge Kiawe along with dodging Ash, but when he landed right next to me he stopped and looked at me straight in the face. For some odd reason I don't know why but he seemed to be stuck in a trance, before I had time to process what was going on, Marowak grabbed me, threw me over his shoulder, and carried me away. I was able to return Lilo, Rocky, and Selena back into their poke balls while I was being carried away by Marowak and hearing my friends shouting at Marowak to stop.

Ash: come back here!

I tossed Ash my phone where it has a tracking beacon in there in case I lose my phone or if I ever get kidnapped and my dad or Tim find my phone. I had a tracking device implanted on my Z-Ring, just in case. Before long Marowak attacked anybody that got in his way and reached to an empty location where he dropped me, I looked up and glared at Marowak.

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