Where did Rattata go?

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Today I was enjoying the day with some light reading about the Ultra Beast that Wicke gave me so that I do some studying and see if any of the Ultra Beast look like the one that took my mother, but none of them look exactly like the one I saw. I feeling aggravated that none of these Ultra Beast are the ones that took my mother but maybe... Maybe it's an Ultra Beast that they don't know about, I mean I did witnessed what the Ultra Beast look like and it did attacked me and my Pokémon. I decided to take a break and go out for a walk, Rotom decided to join in on this stroll while I have Rocky out to join in. As we were walking around to see what there is to do, I hear a child screaming "give it back" from a distance. It caught my attention and I decided to go investigate. I ran up and saw a Mimo with two Alolan Rattata holding what appears to be Mimo's necklace.

Mimo: Give it back!!
Valarie: Rocky! Get ready
Rocky [Lycanroc]: Roc!!
Valarie: I'll grab Mimo while you use Rock Throw

Rocky and I got into position as I dashed to grab Mimo before the Rattata could attack her, while Rocky used Rock Throw and attacked the two of them, they both flinched but ran off while I place Mimo on the ground.

Valarie: Are you okay
Mimo: Yeah, thanks big sis. But they took my necklace!!
Valarie: That's unusual, they normally take food instead of shiny stuff. I'll get it back
Sima: Please do Valarie, it's special to Mimo
Valarie: I will. Come on, Rocky!! We're on the trail!!
Rotom: WAAAaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiittttttt!!! Wait for MEEEeeeee!!!!!

We followed the two Rattatas as they try to cause trouble to slow us down, but we were one step ahead of them, after that wild goose chase, we lost them but saw the mess those two Rattatas left behind.

Rotom: They're gone!! We lost them!!!
Valarie:... Hmmmm... No we didn't
Rotom: Eh? We didn't?
Valarie: No, those Rattata have a lot of nerve to take that necklace, so now we need to find them. Rotom, I do believe we have a mystery on our hands
Rotom: [gasp] Indeed we do, and it's up to Ryme City's Ace Detective Valarie to solve this mystery!!
Valarie: [smirk] With the help of Dr. Rotom and my trusty Pokémon sidekick Rocky to solve this mystery
Rocky [Lycanroc]: Roc!!!!
Rotom: All right!! And this time I won't fail like the last time
Valarie: Well, I will say that this case is quite similar to the one we faced. Rotom, label this case file "Find the Necklace"
Rotom: Got it!! File updated!!

[Footsteps, Footsteps]

Sima: Valarie!! What happened with the Rattata?
Valarie: Well, we lost sight of them...
Sima: So the necklace is-
Valarie: Don't worry ma'am, I'll be sure to find it
Rotom: That's right!! Ryme City's Ace Detective Valarie Zafirah Goodman is on the case!! With the help of me, Dr. Rotom and Valarie's trusty Pokémon sidekick Rocky to solve this mystery
Valarie: I don't think the Rattata have simply got away yet, there are plenty of clues for us to investigate. We'll figure out where the Rattata went in no time, first thing to do is talk to witnesses
Rotom: Got it!!
Valarie: Rocky, sniff around and look for clues, I'll look around and see if something is off, Rotom I want you to talk to the witnesses and ask them if they saw anything at all
Rotom: Got it
Valarie: Remember, record the testimony and evidence from your interviews, don't forget to create a case list
Rotom: You got it!!

The three of us split up and searched around the area when I spotted something unusual, a splash of white paint that had some footprints, however I recognize the footprint anywhere, it had to be a Rattata. I smiled and took photos of the footprints on my phone and searched around until Rocky caught my attention, I walked up to her and saw a red footprints that lead to the park right where a man wearing a purple shirt and white cap was standing, so maybe we can get Rotom to ask him some questions.

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