Preview of Pokemon Sword and Shield: Anmesia

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Where am I?...

What happened?...

Am I... Dead?

A Young girl mysteriously appears in the Galar Region

Bella: I'm... Bella
Sonia: Bella, that's a beautiful name. This is Leon and Raihan, they both found you with your Pokémon Rockruff and-
Bella: Cosmo, where is Cosmo? Cosmo!!
Leon: take it easy, who's Cosmo?
Bella: Cosmo... My other Pokémon
Raihan: you mean this little fella?
Cosmo [Cosmog]: [smile] [giggles]
Bella: Cosmo! Oh thank goodness you're safe [hugs Cosmo]
Rockruff: Ruff! Ruff!!
Bella: Ruth, you're okay too!! [hugs Ruth]
Raihan: so they are your Pokémon, so what is Cosmo anyway? Do you know?
Bella: Cosmo is known as Cosmog, a Nebula Pokemon. His traits similar to newborns as it tends to cry and sleep a lot. Cosmo is also shown to be a picky eater and only seems to eat star candies

With no collection of her memories and doesn't want to go near her own Pokémon besides Cosmo and Ruth.

Sonia: interesting, what else can it do?
Bella: I'm not sure, that's just about it from what I remember
Sonia: you don't remember anything at all?
Bella: no, all I remember is Ruth and Cosmo. And that's it

Sonia: oh dear, it appears that Bella is afraid of her own Pokémon
Raihan: but why?
Sonia: I'm not sure, I just hope Valarie has the answers to that
Hop: hey mate, it's alright, your Pokémon won't harm you
Bella: I know, but I have this feeling that I'm too scared to pet them. I don't know why

But soon... Her journey will begin. With the help from Hop

Hop: hi! I'm Hop, Lee's younger brother
Bella:... I'm Bella [shake his hand]
Hop: [sits next to her] hey Bella, I got some food for us to share together


Victor: you'll do great


Gloria: we're here for you no matter what


Blonde Boy: well hello there beautiful, what's your name?

Bede: Coming this way? I'd advise against it. Any Trainer with a Wishing Star is in for a beating from me and my Pokémon

Bede: [looks at Hop] and you, keep your hands to yourself, after all the beauty over there shouldn't be even near you


Marnie: hello Bella, Out givin' it your all, even this late, huh?

Marnie: they're just so caught up with wantin' to support me and all that they tend to get a bit shirty with other Gym Challengers

And with a special guest... Valarie Zafirah Goodman

Valarie: oh pardon me, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Valarie Zafirah Goodman, I'm a member of the Ryme City Police Department and also work with a detective agency at Baker Street

Valarie: this is my Pokémon Lycanroc, however she prefers to be called Rocky. So go ahead, bring out your Pokémon

Valarie: yup, I'm certain for a fact that if I contact my dad and ask him to send a rescue team to go search for your parents, I'm certain that there's a possible chance they could still be alive

Valarie: for the sake of reuniting family together, yes, I will do it

But will Bella regain her memories?

Bella: [gasp] I remember now, someone wanted to use Cosmo to open a portal to the Ultra Wormhole

Bella: where's Diancie?! Where's Diane?!

Bella: Diancie, do you know who I am? I'm your partner when I was a trainer, I'm sorry if I didn't remember you, but when I saw this star piece, I remember how much you loved to accessories me and always made me a crystal crown to make me feel that I'm special just the way I am [tear up] it made me feel happy, and also sad... Because I never got the chance to say thank you for always being there for me... and for [sobs] [sobs] a-and for being there for me even if I can't approach you [sobs] [sobs]

Bella: Don't worry Festivia, we got this. We're going to be on Fire tomorrow!
Festivia [Fennekin]: fenne!!!!
Bella: I know we can do this, because I have you as my partner!!

Or will she always forget who she is and not go near any Pokémon?

Bella: but I don't wanna try again, I give up! I'll never be able to touch my Pokémon or any Pokémon ever again. I shouldn't even be petting Ruth [sobs] [sobs]

Bella: I don't know Ruth, what could've happened to me?
Ruth [Rockruff]: [whimpers] ruff
Bella: I just wish I knew

Find out in Pokémon Sword and Shield: Anmesia

Bella: I'm tired of hiding, and I'm tired of running... Don't get all smug just because I normally behave myself... I AM DONE PLAYING NICE!!!!! Let's go Diane! SHOW THEM YOUR BATTLE ARMOR [toss the pokeball]

Coming Soon

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