Family Determination

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While Ash, Lillie, and Gladion were heading back, Suicune was bringing me somewhere to a secluded area. While Entei and Raikou tag along, we reached to a location away from everyone else and saw the rest of the Legendary Pokemon are.

Valarie: Mewtwo, why are you all... Don't tell me, you guys heard my call for help? Is that how Suicune, Entei, and Raikou showed up?
Mewtwo: Yes, when we all heard your cries we were alerted that something went wrong, is everything alright?
Valarie: No... Lillie's mom was taken, by Ultra Beast, just like my mom... I need to save Lille's mom, if there's a possible chance, then maybe Lillie's mom is where my mom is... I just have to find her!!
Mewtwo: I understand perfectly, but battling those Ultra Beast will be tough, you'll need help along the way, so you can choose any of us to go along your journey
Valarie: Really?
Mewtwo: Yes
Valarie: Then... I know which Pokémon to take... I'll take...

I was flying up in the air with Chompy soaring high in the air, I was thinking back what Mewtwo said and knew that I made the right choice

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I was flying up in the air with Chompy soaring high in the air, I was thinking back what Mewtwo said and knew that I made the right choice. I looked down and saw Gladion and Lillie off on their journey, so I tagged along in the air and followed, I felt something crawling up to my head and saw Cuddles hugging my head.

Valarie: [sigh] Okay. You can stay up there
Cuddles [Espurr]: [purrs]
Valarie: This is gonna be a long~ trip 'Hang on tight Lusamine, you too mom, I'm coming for the both of you'

Kiawe's P.O.V

I arrived at the school to see that Ash was feeling bummed out, not only that I didn't see Valarie anywhere. She's still mad at me and Mordecai, but she did say she needed proof to be convinced that Mordecai and I aren't a "thing" to believe in us. But how?

~ Flashback ~

Valarie: [sniff] R-R-Really Kiawe?! Is this the excuse you could come up with?!?! Mordecai could've chosen any guy to pretend to be her boyfriend but out of all of the guys at our school she just had to choose you!!! She knows that you and I are dating!! So why you?! Why not someone else?!?!

~ Flashback ~

Kiawe: 'She's right, why me... Why couldn't it been someone else' why?
Mallow: Huh? You say something Kiawe?
Kiawe: No, I just... Have to talk to someone

I left the group and wandered all around searching for her until I found her on the phone with someone.

Mordecai: I can't do this anymore!!... No, you listen here!! I can't continue with this, he'll find out sooner or later and then I'll lose all my friends!! I already lost one friend already!!... No, I-... [sigh] Fine, I'll tag along with him... Just this one last time, and that's it!... Bye! [hangs up] [sigh] What do I do? If Kiawe find out who I'm working for, then... I won't have any friends anymore... This is for my parents company...
Kiawe: [gasp] 'Her parents company?... Who is she working for?'

Guardian of All Pokémon - Kiawe x Oc x GladionWhere stories live. Discover now