A Dream Encounter!

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~ Dream ~

I somehow appeared at what looked like Poni Island, and saw someone standing in front of the Altar, the person looked like they were beaten by something or someone, but stood their grounds. Then I saw a Rockruff, with Victini, Meloetta, and Jirachi, that's when I realized. It was my mom.

Valarie: M-Mom?!
Zafirah: You can battle me all you want!! But you will not harm anymore pokemon!!

Suddenly, Something appeared and I saw a hole open up in the sky, then I saw two large Pokémon that seem to resemble day and night. I was astonished but saw both of them use their moved to defeat whatever it was that was trying to attack my mother, but I saw it try to fight the Pokémon back until a bright light submerged around my mother and that's when I saw another hole appear and try to suck my mother into the hole. My mother had a tight grip on Rocky, Jodie, Meloetta, and Victini, but she couldn't hold on much longer until she lost her grip and got sucked into the hole but tossed her Pokémon away. The batlike Pokémon caught my mother's Pokémon, and I watched as my mom got sucked into the hole. I tried to reach out and grab her but a bright light blocked my sight and all I saw before waking up was a black crystalline material hand reaching out for my mother.

~ Dream Ends ~

Valarie: No... No... Mom... [sat up] Noooooooooo!

[door opens]

Kukui: Val, are you okay?
Ash: Hey Val, are you alright?
Valarie: Mom... My mom... She was sucked into a hole... And... And...
Kukui: Hey, it's okay [touch her forehead] Looks like you're running a fever, you should stay home, I'm sure your Pokémon will keep you company. Right guys?

[Pokemon nod agreeable]

Ash: Well, we better get going, see ya! Get better soon!
Pikachu: Pika! Pika!
Valarie: [pout] Thanks for the pep talk

Ash and Professor Kukui left to go to school while I lay down and felt something on my head, I pulled whoever it was on my face. I saw that it was Cuddles, he freed himself from my grip and hugged my face again, I just sigh and went to sleep. After what felt like a couple of hours, I woke up to Winter, scratching the blanket trying to wake me up. I completely forgot to feed my Pokémon, so I went inside to go give them their food, while I took my temperature and saw that it return back to normal.

Valarie: Phew! I guess I should clean the place up since I'm stuck here with nothing else to do... Maybe I can train my Pokémon

I got changed into something comfortable and got my Pokémon outside so we could train, when suddenly, I heard the sound of a helicopter. I looked up and saw a helicopter landed right near my uncle Kukui's home, I covered my eyes and carefully looked up to see someone stepping out of the helicopter and saw what looks like Lillie's mom.

Valarie: Hello... Ummm... I'm sorry, but... Who are you?
Lusamine: Oh, I'm sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Lusamine, head of the Aether Foundation
Valarie: Lusamine? Do you happen to be Lillie's mom?
Lusamine: Yes, how did you know?
Valarie: I'm friends with your daughter, Lillie
Lusamine: Oh my, I'm so glad you and Lillie are best friends. And I must say, your Pokémon our extraordinary too
Valarie: Yup, they all have their own characteristics. This is Lilo, Lou, Zora, Winter, Rocky, Flare, and Cuddles. Oh! And this is Jodie
Lusamine: Oh wow, a Jirachi, I never seen one up close!
Valarie: Yeah, they're all a bit unique, I have more Pokémon at Professor Belle's home, she's building an enclosure for the Pokémon to roam free and in the wild
Lusamine: Well I'd love to get to know your Pokémon even more

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