Chapter 15: Home sweet Home

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The wind rushed over the sea, the waves of which merged faster and faster with the sand. The sun was already sinking towards the horizon and bathing the island in a warm, red-orange light.
Ruby stood at the cliff wall, her gaze rested on the expanse of the ocean while the wind blew her hair around her face. In her light blue blouse and the light, slightly shimmering skirt, she formed almost the perfect transition between sky and earth. For weeks she had thought of nothing but life on this island. She knew this was all she wanted. Her family, her friends, and the growing anticipation of her great-grandchild. With each passing day she became more and more caring for Sophie, although compared to the last time it would be a while before Sophie could call herself a mom finally.
Ruby had spent a lot of time with Fernando, the person she wanted to be most close to. He had accompanied her on all her journeys into the past and tried to do everything to make her happy. A smile escaped her lips when she thought of him and leaned back against the wall with her arms a little.
She was pulled out from her thoughts when a hand slipped around her waist and she could feel a face buried between her neck and her hair. She giggled softly and leaned a little to the side, while now both arms snuggled around her body and pulled her to someone else.
You are so beautiful,
said the face between some of her hair. She smiled and turned her head a little until she met Fernando's eyes.
You charmer, what is this going to be ? Why are you out here, didn't you want to take care of Sophie ?
Fernando playfully rolled his eyes and now leaned next to her on the wall.
It's so great that you're happy to see me,
he said, amused. Ruby just laughed softly.
Sophie is an adult, she fired me when she fell asleep.
Ruby sighed deeply and looked over at the water.
I know.
Fernando's loving hand brushed the hair back from her face.
What are you thinking about, my love ?
Ruby bit her lip a little and shook her head slightly.
Nothing anymore, just about all of that. How much I love it. And how much it all means to me.
That's why you're here. Believe me when I tell you that Sophie tells me every day that she is happy to have you. Sam thinks that too.
Ruby leaned against him and pressed her head gently to his shoulder while his arm wrapped tightly around her and held her very tight and warm.
I appreciate that.
He gave her a loving kiss on the head in response.
Tanya asked about you. She wanted to know if you would help her prepare the surprise for Sophie.
Ruby looked surprised.
Tanya still avoided her, the more surprised she was at the question. Fernando could see the gaze in her eyes.
Don't worry. She won't slash you right away. Maybe you can finally get rid of your rivalry.
Ruby snorted.
It's not a rivalry. It's...private. Girl stuff, you don't understand.
Fernando laughed and nipped her lovingly.
Of course not.
Ruby winced a little and giggled.
Eeehhh, what's the point ?
He kept laughing, tickling her on the side.
This went on for a while, until Ruby's laughter finally stopped in a kiss. He smiled and looked at her.
My princess,
he whispered softly and kissed her again until he put his hands on Ruby's cheeks and looked into her eyes.
I love you. If you give me a few minutes, the evening will be even more beautiful.
She smiled.
Could it be even more beautiful ?
Fernando laughed softly.
Trust me.
With these words and another short kiss, Ruby could watch him disappear behind the next small building.

It wasn't long before she heard footsteps behind her and felt a hand on her hip again. She smiled as the hand slowly went up over her back and rested on her neck. Ruby chuckled softly.
Do you have what you wanted or...can't I see it yet ?
It stayed calm, she didn't get any answer.
Shall I guess ?,
she laughed softly. Still no answer, and as she tried to turn around, she could feel the hand gripping tightly in her hair and pulling her head down from behind. Her surprised scream was stifled by another hand, and the voice she suddenly heard next to her ear made her blood run cold.
Hello, pretty,
Oscar said with a low, ironic undertone.
How nice to know that you seem to miss your home.
She shook herself violently in his grip as the gleam in her eyes gave way to the fear that rose in her. Panic shot up inside her and she screamed again, unsuccessfully, while his leather glove pressed against her lips. He laughed.
Look. You are really still here. What a shame, I really thought that you had finally made it further and that you were smart enough to go far away. But well. Silly me, what do they expect from you, right ?
His tight grip hurted and she stared at him as he pressed her upper body tight against him and his grip released from her hair. A few seconds later he was holding a small but sharp penknife, luckily for her, it was still closed.
Oh, I forgot something when I went on vacation.
Oscar looked up as if he were thinking.
But what could that be ? Hmmm...oh, of course. Not something, but someone. You. Damn it, you weren't there. Anyway, now I've got you back.
He laughed again.
But now you're coming home, my friends and I have missed you all the time so terribly. Where's all the fun without you ?
Ruby could hear the arrogant, ironic tone. He scared her, terrified, and she screamed again as tears ran down her cheeks.
All Ruby then could remember was the blow on the head she received and the darkness that suddenly enveloped her.

-I Had A Dream-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें