Chapter 2: First Day

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The family had already sat outside on the terrace to have breakfast together. Ruby could hear them talking vividly through the ajar window of her hotel room. The sun was already shining gently on the land and filling it with a pleasant warmth. Ruby had been standing in front of her mirror since a while.  She had hardly slept, the memories of yesterday evening had kept her awake. She had his face before her eyes, just as he had looked at her. She knew he had probably wondered why she had left in such a hurry this morning. She sighed. Would he believe she was tired ? Probably not. Ruby stroked her hair and sighed again. Although everything seemed so complicated and she didn't have to be here long...she felt safer here than in years.

As Ruby came down the stairs, she could feel the rising nervousness in her body. It was the very first morning she had spent here with her family in decades. She knew that not everyone would react to her as warmly as Sophie and Fernando. The malaise continued to build and she wondered if she should really go over there. While she was still thinking about it, two arms wrapped around her from behind. She was a little frightened, but the gentle voice that came in the next moment took away the shock and excitement.
Good morning, mi amore. Did you sleep well ? 
She'd already guessed it was him. A smile crossed her face as he kissed her affectionately on the cheek. All of her fears were wiped away. God, how much she had longed to close her eyes in his arms and feel loved.
I slept well,
she replied and a smile crossed her face. She didn't want him to worry that she was afraid of what was going to happen. She felt his lips rest on her cheek again and his arms hold her tight as if they would never let go of her.
I'm happy, my love. I was afraid you wouldn't have liked it the way I would have liked. You looked very...thoughtful when we were outside.
She sighed inwardly, not yet ready to tell him the truth.
I'm fine. Really. Don't worry.
And although he could hear the hesitation in her voice, he looked at her as he made her turn around.
Good. That's all I want. Come on, Sophie and the others will be waiting.
He was sure she would tell him later what was on her mind. Ruby looked at him, lost in his eyes and smile, feeling like the first time they met him. For a moment nothing else seemed to exist until he gently took her hand and pulled her outside with him, over to her family.

Sophie was deep in conversation with Tanya and Rosie, while Sam, Bill and Harry seemed to be having a lot of fun. Fernando stopped a few yards from the table.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. May we join you ?
He laughed softly. Ruby had always loved that way about him. It fell silent at the table when everyone's eyes fell on the couple. Ruby could feel the icy gaze of Tanya and Rosie on her and dug her nails a little tighter into Fernando's arm. Sophie, on the other hand, smiled, and the gentlemen didn't seem to mind either.
Mr Cienfuegos, Grandma!,
exclaimed Sophie happily. Ruby could see the glow in her eyes and it gave her a painful sting when she recognized Donna in Sophie. A few minutes later she found herself sitting next to Fernando at the table. She looked from person to person for a while, still feeling uncomfortable. Rosie took the opportunity.
Look at you, the famous Sheridan really brings herself to sit at the table with normal people like us.
She raised an eyebrow. Tanya laughed.
Save yourself that, sweetheart. I think she just wants to enlighten us again about how important she is. But it's amazing that she made her high heels to enter this country. I thought she was...possibly lost.
Ruby swallowed, she had known she wasn't welcome at everyone, but the words hit her more than expected. Sophie spoke up.
I'm glad you're here, Grandma. I had hoped all my life that you would come here one day. Maybe under different circumstances, but I hope that times can get better now.
She smiled. Ruby looked at her granddaughter, smiling even though she swallowed tears. She wished Sophie was right. But nobody at this table even suspected how Ruby's life really looked. It hurted her even more when she realized how much she could have changed it earlier if her decision had been different.
Thanks to you, Sophie.,
She answered after a while and put her hand on Sophie's.
I am aware that not everything went the way it should have...but...I want to make it all better.
She looked at Tanya and Rosie.
I know how you think of me and I can't blame you for that. But I hope that one day the day will come when you can forgive me.
She felt Fernandoe's hand resting on her shoulder and let out a deep breath. Sophie was still smiling, and Ruby looked at her again. At that moment she wished she had Sophie's optimism.

Later that morning she was walking along the beach with Fernando. He had taken extra time off to spend time with her. Ruby was very grateful to him for that, because she wouldn't have been sure whether she would have survived the first morning alone. She enjoyed the togetherness with him, just him and her, nothing that could disturb this moment. She smelled the air of the water and let a breeze of the wind blow through her face. She was free, at least for a while. Fernando had stopped with her and was watching her lovingly. She looked at him, smiled, and pulled him down to the water. He followed her, visibly glad to see her happy. Ruby had forgotten her worries for a while. She felt a short jerk when Fernando suddenly lifted her into his arms and she laughed softly. His face was close to hers, and she wrapped both arms and legs tightly around him. For a few minutes all you could hear was the rustling of the ocean.
My pretty, so wonderful American has returned. The love of my life that I thought I lost forever. But you are here. And nothing will ever separate me from you again.
He was already half whispering and leaning his forehead against hers. Ruby closed her eyes for a moment and absorbed his words deeply.
I missed you,
she replied.
More than it seems and more than you could ever imagine. All these years I didn't want anything else...except you.
He stroked her hair, kissed her passionately and enjoyed being able to finally feel her soft lips on his again.

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