Sexting - 19 🌶

Start from the beginning

From The Dick 🍆🖕🏻🖕🏻: dsn't mean we can't fuck

come on, bb, pls

From Louis: Harry

From The Dick 🍆🖕🏻🖕🏻: can i call u? Want to hear u say my name

From Louis: stop your horny ass right this second

The Dick 🍆🖕🏻🖕🏻 is typing...

Louis frowns, wondering if it would be horrible to just ignore Harry in this situation. The temptation is strong, and he really doesn't want to give in and sleep with Harry and fall back to square one of begging Harry to stay.

From The Dick 🍆🖕🏻🖕🏻: u went out with him


So Harry's angry horny. It's a little bit of a cold wash, and Louis is thankful.

From Louis: You promised, Harry

From The Dick 🍆🖕🏻🖕🏻: Lou m so hard pls

i need u

i was rehearsing that song and all i thought about was u. wanna eat u out so bad. U can pull on my hair and cum in my mouth, I won't even touch myslf

Louis aggressively slams his phone down on the nightstand, refusing to spend another moment tonight staring at that stupidly irritating, stupidly arousing screen. It has no right to display something so tempting.

His non-response should give Harry plenty of answer.

Louis tramps off to bed, horny and pissed, aggressively rolling into his sheets until he's nothing more than a burrito of layers. A whimper the only sign of life exiting the mound of blankets. Jack climbs down the ladder, Louis can hear the creaks and shuffling. He disappears into the kitchenette and Louis hears running water, a glass clinking.

Then, Jack crawls into bed with him like he has the past couple of nights. The first two, Louis had to ask him for his company. Tonight, he invites himself into Louis' cocoon. "You okay?"

Louis nods numbly. But maybe the way he settles his bum to gently fit against Jack's front, when he peels Louis' burrito apart like it's a fragile present, hadn't exactly been an accident either.

"I want it."

The fact that Jack doesn't even has to ask - already knows what Louis is craving. "No, you don't." Jack reminds him, a little cooler, his fingers brushing back Louis' hair from his hot forehead. "Alcohol will just make it worse."

Not that Louis could actually do anything about that, because Jack threw out all their liquor.

"It's getting worse. I feel so, so sick."

"Distract yourself, love. Picking at your facial hair isn't going to make you feel any better."

He pulls Louis' hands back down to his sides, away from his face, his body warm in a way that makes Louis feel a little delirious. Febrile. It's when his brain is swimming and thudding that Louis tends to make the worst decisions. Well, usually, they begin as small little sprouts - just fleeting thoughts passing in and out of his brain. It was the alcohol that usually spotted him into actually acting.

Though, this tiny action soon cascades out of control rather quickly. In a direction that even Louis immediately feels guilty for.

The kiss that Jack delivers messily to the corner of Louis' lips isn't an accident either. When they pull back, and Louis looks at him with slightly rounded eyes and wet lips, and Louis slams his heartbroken lips to his roommate's just to feel the guilt get chased away - that hadn't been an accident either.

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