Monsters - 27

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Louis' new attempt at a hobby isn't much. Just a tiny little Facebook advert for a group on campus revolving around LGBTQIA+ individuals and the allies supporting them. Some anti-bullying emphasis infused in there as well (no, that's not a mental stick-'em at his stepbrother either). There's probably not much to the entire premise other than to maybe make a friend or two with common interests and experiences. But that's a lot better than anything he's been doing for a long time. Louis needs the push. And a friend, honestly.

So, he drags along Jack, because he's expressed queer-interest (whether anybody knows his true sexuality or not). Plus, Louis insisted over and over that he didn't want to go alone, which gets him just about anything. The boy was not all that thrilled to give in to Louis' weaponized puppy dog eyes.

Somehow they make good time still with Jack dragging his feet like it's his job to slow Louis down, and approach the student services building with mittened hands in pockets and soft, uneasy breaths.

"What do you even do at these things?" His roommate complains, pulling his jacket across his body like a sulking child. Cheeks and nose red, mouth twisted like he's tasting a bitter lime.

Louis huffs and hooks an arm into his, leading him forward. "Have a better attitude," he scolds. "You don't know if you'll like it until you try it."

"True. But if I find that I hate it, then I have an excuse to not show up to the rest."

Louis smacks at his chest.

They enter a small room that reminds Louis of an elementary classroom or a church meeting room. There are chairs set up in a circle on top of a shag rug, facing each other in a setting that's likely meant to vulnerable and intimate. Bright green paint colors the walls, decorated with tiny paint-stroked images of years past. Former members of the club leaving behind their marks and encouragement for the next generation. The entirety of the group seems to already be present, chattering animatedly. One girl enthusiastically shows off a belly-button piercing to her neighbor, paying no mind to the other people standing around.

It immediately strikes Louis as a flock of extroverted and comfortable individuals, which has him relaxing a bit. Good. Him and his quiet, awkward ass can just go ahead and take the back seat. Louis can roll with that.

Jack immediately groans, but takes a spot next to an enthusiastic, bouncing Louis.

He thinks about Harry sitting in the chair next to him, having followed him into the building intentionally, and he nearly makes the decision there to bring Harry to the next one. But he shudders and crosses the arms of his sweater, not entirely sure if Harry and he are even on the right page right now. Is Harry even comfortable with his sexuality? Lately it hasn't felt like it.

Louis wants to reach out. He really does. But he doesn't want to when all this will lead to is probably more regretful words. If Harry isn't comfortable with himself, then Louis doesn't know how a conversation is going to fix anything. Being able to categorize Harry as a former bully exacerbates the entire situation, because there's no way that Harry does feel that self-security if he's lashing out at other people. It could have happened several years ago, but that doesn't erase the fact that he did it in the first place. Who's to say Harry's changed? Harry? Well, Louis supposes he could maybe ask Liam, but how well does he really know Harry if they've only been a band for a short while? Liam looked just as shocked by the news as Louis was.

A quarter into the hour-long session, he makes eye contact with a figure across the circle, and his heart stops.

He's in a state of nonchalance, his ankle resting on the knee of his other leg, and his arm leaning against the back of the chair. The boy raises one thick eyebrow in question, undoubtedly pointed towards Louis. And well. This is awkward.

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