Sexting - 19 🌶

408 13 2

Warning: mild sexual activity


Sorry guys I've been super busy. I meant to update this sooner. FYI, this isn't really the smut that I was alluding to (that was supposed to be coming). There is hardly anything in this chapter. But it will not be pretty, so I am sorry in advance.

Also, I love Jack's character.


It's late one night when Louis next hears anything from his stepbrother. A night when the lights are off, and Jack is already snoring lightly.

Louis had been turning around restlessly, his stomach too full, the bandage around his chest too itchy, and his heartbeat feeling foreign in his chest. Now that he knows the organ's defective, he swears he can feel the tiny little plastic thing jolt with each beat of his heart, and it makes his skin crawl like a parasite creeping around.

The text flashes onto his screen like a too-late warning.

How are you?

And what the fuck kind of question is that?

First of all, if he wanted to know how Louis was doing, he should just come and check in person instead of texting him like a coward. Louis never thought he would have to be the one with any kind of initiative in this duo. Secondly, Harry dares to text him late at night asking how he is like this is some kind of booty call. Thirdly, Harry kind of lost the right to ask him how he's handling stuff, when he's the one who piled all the shit on Louis in the first place. Fourthly, how dare he think about Louis. If he really didn't want to be in Louis' life, he shouldn't pretend to care, or think about him at night or send him random texts that make it so difficult to forget about Harry.

It's not fair. It's villainous.

As if Jack is awake to somehow feed his guilt for even looking at them, Louis goes to the bathroom for privacy and sits on the toilet, for no other reason than he doesn't want to go back to bed.

He would normally drink when these things happen, but he's been banned from such pleasures.

He's nosy and bored so he checks who all looked at his story, Harry being one of them. Louis about bites through his lip. Obviously, the younger immediately catches onto Louis not replying.

The Dick's 🍆🖕🏻🖕🏻typing...

Where are you?

Well, Louis' not going to get away with this, now is he.

From Louis: bathroom

... are you alone?

Louis can feel every ounce of dignity leave his body as he types, yes, and sends it out. Watches Harry's bitmoji peeking at his response, as he types each letter.

The Dick's 🍆🖕🏻🖕🏻 typing...

And then he stops. Louis blinks.

He backspaces and starts typing again.

Come here.

From Louis: ?

Harry sends him a visual.

Louis actually gasps, pushing a hand into his mouth and bites into his knuckles. There's no pride left in him, as his lower half clenches with want, even as he attempts to ward off the lusty cobwebs in his brain. He has to physically send pulses to his fingers to get them to type what he needs to say rather than what he wants.

That song Harry wrote yesterday immediately springs to mind, making it so very difficult.

From Louis: we're on a break, remember?

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