"I'm s-sorry," She chocked out.

"Its okay," I replied, not knowing what else to say. My phone rang in my pocket, snapping me out of my thoughts. It was Serena. My heart started to beat at an uncontrollable pace.

"Um, I have to go," I said quietly pulling away from her. I didn't know what else to say so I whispered a 'bye' and walked off. When I was outside I called her back. "Hello?" I greeted.

"Hey, you have to come home now!" Serena commanded not letting me speak.

I was already there. I hung up and entered the house, my head was all over the place. I wondered what had happened, maybe Serena had gone to see her?

However, she didn't sound upset. In fact, it sounded like she was trying to contain her excitement. I headed inside to find Serena already rushing to the door.

"Whoa," I said.

"Sorry, you'll never guess what just happened," She said while jumping up and down. I had a feeling I knew a little too well. I couldn't help the guilt taking over my body,.

"What happened?" I asked putting on an act.

"I did what you said, and he told me how much he loves me back," She said smiling.

"Really? That's, I mean wow! That's great!" I said trying to act surprised. Now what was I going to do?I started heading towards the kitchen

"Where were you?" She asked suddenly. I turned around, my eyebrows raised. I was so worried she was playing s trick on me.

"what do you mean?" I asked faking innocent.

"Well, you went out with Connor ages ago and-oh! I see," She winked, smirking. I blushed a bight red colour.

"We weren't doing that," I hissed.

"Why not? I mean your both-" She started.

"Stop," I screamed. I knew where this was going and I did not want to go into this with Serena, she went into a lot of detail. As I learned, when she first told me how baby's were made when I was younger. I really didn't need to know that at such a young age.

"Okay, if you weren't there, then were were you?" She asked suspiciously.

"I was at the library," I said shrugging. I went to the fridge and checked for anything to eat or drink .

"You took that long at the library," She scoffed not believing a word.

I took the fruit juice out of the fridge and grabbed a glass. "Yeah! I was having tea with Elizabeth and her grandmother," I said honestly.

I poured the juice it and drank it in a few gulps. I hadn't realised how thirsty I was after all that shouting.

Serena raised her eyebrows. "What is she some weird nerdy girl?" She remarked.

I glared at her, Serena was always considerate of hurting peoples feelings. "No, shes really pretty actually," I said remembering her reddish brown  hair,, which I loved and her brown eyes. She was always very pale, "and I read books all the time so am I a weird nerdy girl?" I asked putting her on the spot.

"Of course not, anyway what do you want to do tomorrow?" I didn't particularly enjoy going places with Serena here. I mean in London it was okay since there wasn't much to do but there's so much to do here yet she decides what we do and I barely get a say.

"Actually, Im hanging out with Elizabeth tomorrow," I stated.

Serena made a funny face for a moment, making me wonder what she was thinking about. "So? you can still hang out with me, oh! or we could both hang out with Elizabeth then I get to see if shes a good friend for you," She said trying to make a joke but not succeeding.

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