I have been texting her since It happened, but she won't answer, and the kiss isn't the only thing that I want to talk to her about. She now knows That Hayden lied to her about the rumours, so I don't know where that leaves us.

Are we friends?

Are we not?

     Does she still hate me?

    What if she hates me more because of the kiss?

    I got out of my car and jogged to the front door. Knocking quickly and non stop.

    The door opened immediately, excitement grew in me until I saw It wasn't her. It was her dick of a boyfriend.

Who I am stupidly best friends with.

"Where is Aurora?" I asked kinda In a rush.

"Why, so you can go smoother her some more. Listen dude she dont like you, she likes me so back off-" Hayden said, but before he could say anything else I rammed my fist into his face.

He may think I am his best friend but seriously he needs to learn some respect, and if Aurora weren't still dating him I'd kill him.

He is so fucking annoying and too full of himself.

"That's for what you said about her the other day," I spit in his face and stared daggers at him until I got an answer to where she was.

"She's not here Rylan, just chill. She hasn't been here for two days, she left and won't answer my phone," Hayden explained.

Then I ran to my car, got in, and drove away.

Next stop is her apartment.

I urgently need to talk to her.

I picked up my phone and dialed her phone number hoping she would answer.

"Come Aurora answer," I whisper to myself while speeding through the town trying to drive to her house not even noticing I'm not wearing a seatbelt.

No answer.

When I pull into the parking lot I run up the stairs and barge into her unlocked apartment.

No one.

I already know Mylah, Kelly, or Milo haven't heard from her because I literally asked every 3 hours since I first attempted to text her, and I know Kylie hasnt heard from her either cause They ain't exactly on talking terms.

I looked around the apartment for any sign that she was here, but there was nothing.

    If anyone knows anything about her and where she could be it would be Mylah.

    I take my phone out of my pocket and call Mylah.

    "If you have any idea about where she is please tell me," I said with worry filling my voice as the phone stopped ringing.

    "Rylan, I told you everything I know. Why do you sound so worried?" She asked.

    "No one has heard from her in days and she's not at the places you told me to look at," I explained.

    I could hear her starting to panic through the phone, and that's when I realized She's still young and shouldn't have to worry so much.

    She already has enough going on, her sister not being able to be found shouldn't have to be something on her mind, and I know Aurora wouldnt want Mylah to be worried about her either.

    "Never mind she just texted me, but hey I gotta go, bye." I chuckled awkwardly.

    And before she could say anything else I hung up the call.

    Maybe if I drive around town a bit I will come across her.

    So I begin driving, and I decide to check the hotels but none of them have a 'Aurora Lopez' signed into their hotel.

    They all flinched when they heard her last name, but whatever. That doesn't matter, what matters is finding Aurora so Mylah doesn't think her sister is dead.

    I continued driving around getting bored of looking, and honestly I'm getting hungry.

    Maybe I will stop at Rosealias Diner for some food and try calling her some more.

    After arriving at the diner I ordered myself 2 hamburgers and fries, along with a large glass of root beer.

    I barely ate all day because I've been too busy looking for Aurora. I didn't even realize it was 7pm.

Anyways, I picked up my phone and called Aurora again, after My food arrived.

    After a few rings the phone stops ringing and I can hear someone breathing heavy on the other line of the phone.

    I sat up in my seat waiting for someone to speak, but right as I was about to say something she beat me to it.

    "Rylan, I'm in the hospital."

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