6; Over the river

Start from the beginning

This time, not by a tall lady with black hair and angry eyes. This time it was a taller man, with brown hair and slightly kinder, yet confused eyes. He wasn't dressed like the others, I saw that immediately. The warriors fighting in the fields had golden armor on, or leather surrounding their white clothing, much like the guards back at the women's city. But this man wore only his white gown, going all the way to the ground, tied together by a leather rope. His calm and calculating expression was quite the only thing keeping me sane.

"Who are you boy?"

If only I knew what he was saying at the time. But his words were scrambled just like the women's, and I could only frown. According to my sister, I have always been a bit of a cry baby, so can you really blame me for crying in that moment? It's practically apart of my DNA. And who wouldn't cry in such an unfamiliar situation, a small eighteen year old boy from a poor fishing village far from society, barely graduated from elementary school, suddenly surrounded by this mythical fantasy world only found in fairytales. I would certainly cry. So I did.

"It's a boy?"

Once one of the other men there spoke, I realized that some of the warriors had joined his side. They all looked at me with confused, worried expressions. I could only stand there and cry. In other circumstances it would be quite humiliating, but out of fear I didn't quite care. Whatever the soldier said, it made the calm guy scowl and turn his head.

"Yes it's a boy, a smaller one that's all. He's an outsider, and judging by where he came from, the Goddess people found him and sent him here. Use your brain Zack"

And as they continued talking, I could only think about how much I missed the familiar, and understandable, voice of my sister.

Please let this be a dream.

Present time.


These girls are leeching on her.

Irene tries to keep her breathing calm and walking stable, but these women make it harder for her than it should be. They are very close to her, and very close to each other. Something a girl like her, from a small conservative village far from society, can't accept. They can barely keep their hands to themselves, and Irene has felt their fingers over her shoulder, holding onto her hand, their arms brushing against hers, more than once. And yes, it's not anything extreme, but judging by the way they are to each other, it's going to get extreme.

And that's weird.

And she's not going to get into why that's weird, it just is.

The girls stop at a big house with a big opening in the wall instead of a door. Girls walk in and out of the opening, the curtain in front opening and closing. The ones coming in have bruises or wounds, some are sick and coughing, and the ones coming out have bottles of medicine or bandages around them. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that this is some sort of hospital, an ancient version anyway. But Irene has never seen a hospital before, or any kind of health center, so she can't compare this one to anything else. They don't have fancy things like this in her village.

Normally Irene would be hesitant and skeptical of going inside, but her bruises and wounds are aching, so she doesn't care when they lead her in. It's darker inside and Irene has to squint, trying to see anything at all. It smells strongly of herbal medicine and different plants, and coughs echo through the open space. As her eyes grow used to the little light in the room, Irene sees hospital beds around, and a table in front of them, presumably the check in desk. Ariadne is walking ahead of everyone, and she stops in front of the desk.

A GODDESSES PARADISE (girlxgirlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now