ain't she something (part 2)

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Getting that dice outta my way was easy. Every year I use the same spell on the Devil, and made him madly in love with me so I got spoiled with money and riches beyond any mortal's wildest dreams. I sat with Devil and listened to him ramble about the Casino and other random things I could care less about, then that dice man came out from his room. Seems he corseted his waist. What a moron. Name is King, but he doesn't have the confidence of one. He came over to talk to Devil so I decided to make the spell stronger at this moment.

'Excuse me, Boss, could we talk?" He had a sickeningly heavenly smile. I hated it. He reeked of angel blood, but how? Dev told me he's a demon now. I rolled my eyes and watched as Devil ignored Dice on purpose. This made his disheartened as he walked away to serve and wait tables. I smiled. I loved making others miserable. Especially the weak ones like him. Dev on the other hand was just enjoyable to fuck with. Force him to love me then break his heart once a year as I walk out the door? C'mon, that's just fun. He continued rambling then ordered some food. The little ol' Dice seemed distracted by the odd behavior, and dropped some dishes, getting a pieece of glass lodged in his hand as he fell with the tray. His scream alerted Devil making him run off- how?! The spell keeps him with me at all times.

"My King, are you ok?" He looked to the man with pure worry. He seemed more worried about him than anything.

"I'm fine Boss, I just fell." King and Devil fussed over the injury for a while, soon King was healed and smiled as he thanks Dev. They seemed like two peas in a pod... happy together while the rest of the world couldn't affect them. I remember when Devvy and I had that... until I became so bitter. I don't care for anyone anymore after I sold a fellow demon my soul for power, making myself a demon too. I sighed. They had something beautiful, and sadly I can't allow it. My twisted mind wants to break them apart. I want to watch King cry in pain, and watch him suffer. I smiled as I used my magic to make Dev cruel to him, calling Dice useless for the things he had done.


I didn't want to say any of these things... I didn't want to watch him cry and run away. I wanted to take it all back, but something just kept coming over me... and I can't control it. Every autumn... when she visits I fall apart and do her bidding. I'm trapped in my own mind and can't escape. I heard King weep as he ran away, embarrassing himself in front of all our guests and me. Out of everyone I knew King hated showing his true feelings for any situation.

i'm sorry my king... I don't know what's wrong with me...

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