take a moment

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I stayed under my desk quietly. I only did this around the imps. I just needed some time away from the casino floor. Thinking about Eliza would get me anxious, and could cause fits of anger. I was an aggressive person, I won't be lying about that, but that wasn't me. I sighed. She always managed to get in my head. I heard footsteps coming in my room. I froze and stayed under the desk, the imps worried for my discomfort and put a nearby blanket over me. I heard the steps coming closer.

"Sir? Why are you under your desk?" Someone sat next to me, but I recognized King's voice. I came out from under the blanket. "You seem overwhelmed. Can I get you anything sir?" He gently pet my arm, I wasn't used to anyone caring for my feelings.

"I just needed some time alone... bad memories." King nodded. He smiled to me. 

"That's understandable. Take the time you need. I just saw you disappear and some imps came to get me." I sighed and looked to my imps. I guess they just didn't want me to be alone anymore. I just relaxed a bit. "Do you need to talk at all sir?" I didn't want to open up to King just yet. We only just met last week.

"Well, I'm just dealing with some rough memories from my past. Feels like I'm stuck under those hazy memories spell." I sighed. King looked to me and nodded.

"I understand that all to well. Even though our contract did block my memories, I still am stuck with the feelings. I've found though, being around people who care is much better than being under a desk." He smiled to me. I laughed a bit with him. He was kind for trying to comfort me. He patted my arm again. He got up and held his hand up to me, pulling me out from under my desk. "Thankfully, it's noon-ish, nothing really going on sir. Anything the staff and I could do to help you feel better?" I smiled. It was nice to have someone care enough about me.


I was a bit worried about Devil. As much as everyone said he was a "pain in the ass" or that he was "so terrifying", all I saw was a man who needed a bit of help. When I had seen that picture in the trash can, I knew he must be battling with memories like I always was. He seemed to ponder my question a bit.

"Maybe some singing? I like music..." He seemed bashful at the question, but I smiled to him reassuringly. 

"I'm sure I can make it happen sir." The Boss smiled to me, and I took him to his personal table. People who were at the casino this early were normally just stopping by after a long night shift. I got the band together. We talked a bit, and decided on a song that could be fun, but not to energetic that people would be annoyed. I got people together and I got on stage. 

"Good afternoon everyone. I hope you enjoy this lovely song. I'm your manager and host for today, King Dice. Enjoy!" I smiled sweetly to the crowd.


I started singing sweetly, watching the audience, but mostly kept my eyes on Mr.Harper. He seemed really into the song. That oddly made me smile. I moved down the stage a bit, and looked to the Boss, he seemed a lot more relaxed. He had closed his eyes and was just listening. I understood that feeling. Music was a wonderful way that helped me relax growing up. I always loved this song, imagining  I'd meet my Prince Charming and dance off into the sunset. Cheesy? I know, but it was a nice thought for me as a child and as I grew up. Dev seemed rather relaxed, Wheezy stuck close by in case the Boss needed anything. I genuinely wanted to be close to Dev... everyone around him I've heard has used him for money, power, and that just doesn't sit well with me. I wanted to be a genuine friend to him. I smiled a bit more as I sang. Flowers were thrown to me, and I tried to avoid them like the plague. Being allergic was no fun whatsoever. I loved flowers, but could never enjoy them like others. Besides the point, the Boss seemed to notice, and Wheezy started telling patrons of my allergy. How did the Boss know? I smiled as I sang. He did own my soul after all. 

I watched as the flowers stopped being thrown, and the Boss relaxed. He closed his eyes again to blissfully listen. He seemed really stressed lately, and if singing would help I didn't mind helping. I kept singing a while longer, but soon the song ended. People politely clapped and smiled. I waved goodbye and ran off stage back to work. I had tables to watch over.


King's singing really helped relax my nerves. I opened my eyes to see Wheezy cleaning up the flowers that had been thrown. King seemed to avoid them, but thankfully he didn't sneeze, just watery eyes. I sat and ordered a drink. King had come over with the order. 

"Here you are sir!" He was really cheery, which was nice to see in this place. As he set down the drink I noticed his green eyes glow as he looked to a table where dice were rolling. King went over, and picked up the dice, noticing something. "These aren't casino issued." The man looked to King angrily.

"The hell you mean!? The dealer gave me those!" King became cross and glared at the man.

"Excuse me, sir, but these are not dice that I ordered, Our dice are white with red numbers, not plain white. I ordered all this equipment the other week. I know what I am talking about." The man began yelling at King, as King kept trying to explain the situation. Oddly enough, King kept his cool, and simply glared at this man. 

"You're trying to cheat me out of the money I got!" King laughed in the man's face.

"You think we need  your damn money?" King's green eyes glowed brighter. "I don't need your money, nor do I care, but I do care about all my patrons having a fair gamble." King threw the dice in a garbage can. He turned to walk away when the man got angry and struck King in the head. King winced in pain, but I saw his rage going for his cards. I stepped in and looked to the man.

"If my manager says you are cheating, you cheated. Get the hell out of my casino." I spoke with a growl, scaring the man to leave. King rubbed the back of his head. "Are you alright?" He smiled to me.

"Just fine. Thanks sir. I just... got a bit upset there." I nodded, and told King to take a moment to regain his composure, but within minutes he was back on the floor keeping an eye on things. I smiled. He was one hell of a fighter. I sat in the back at my normal seat. Watching over everything as well. King was damn efficient, kicking out multiple people who were cheating. The demon eyes helped him focus, but his pure intellect did most of the heavy lifting. Even tricked 2 guys out of their souls in a bet. I knew King cheated, but in all honesty I had no idea how he did it. I'd never met someone, who I couldn't figure out their strategy.

He must be one hell of a gambler... I smiled devilishly. I think he and I would get along fine.

The Way of The TideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora