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I watched as the new guy  walked around charming everyone who walked by. He ignored it of course.... but he always held Wheezy's attention. I sat across the room, watching the two laugh and smile together the way we used to. It wasn't my fault we broke up... I sighed as I downed another shot. We got into some real big fight, it was so stupid, and I feel like we both were just really mad at the damn time... but watching him waltz with some over glamorized board game accessory didn't sit well with me. Though, how could I compete? Dice hasn't come home in the middle of the night, gone for days and just return drunk... I sat in my seat bitterly. Dice waltzed in here and amazed Wheezy with more knowledge of the casino, than anyone who lived under it's roof. Though to me it had to be a reason why. No one just comes to work here! C'mon the guy was a baker! I got up and went to my room and laid in bed starring at the ceiling.

"What can I do to be better than that stupid dice?...." I spoke quietly as tears threatened to overflow from my eyes. I missed laying in his bed... I missed being by his side... but what chance did I have now!? I laid on my side as the crying continued. There was no going back... I hurt Wheezy... and I probably lost him to King. I looked to my nightstand and stared at our 1 year anniversary pictures... I was supposed to propose the day we broke up. I wanted to... we'd been together for 5 years....

*King Dice*
I walked by a room and heard someone crying. It sounded like that Chips guy so I built up my courage and knocked. I heard fumbling and soon the door opened to the stack of poker chips himself. He glared down at me. 
"The hell you want?" I noticed behind him on his nightstand was a picture of him and Wheezy... seems they were a couple at some point, but why'd he be upset? Probably a disagreement? 

"I'm sorry to disturb you. You sounded pretty upset so I thought I'd check on you." As I spoke the man just rolled his eyes in pure annoyance. I sighed. "Look, I don't know why you don't like me, but I do know you're one swell man." He seemed surprised

His gaze then softened. "Why the hell do you say that?" The man seemed embarrassed at my previous statements. I smiled a bit.

"Well Wheezy's been telling me all about you recently. He's awfully worried about you." Chips' eyes widened a bit, shocked at my words. "Bad argument I'm guessing?" Chips shyly looked to his feet and nodded. I smiled sweetly. "Well... if I may, I think that Wheezy misses you too, and I think a good talk could help clear things up." Chips glanced down the hall to where Wheezy was at the bar far from us. "Chips I'm not here to step on your toes, but I think talking would be good for you." Chips looked to me confused.

"Why are you helping me?... What do you have to gain?" I was shocked at  the question, my forest green eyes widening a bit. 

"Well... I don't." I laughed a little. "Really, I just care about my friend, but if ya wanna put a word in for me for a pay raise that'd be great!" I laughed a bit more, making Chips join in too. He smiled and for once shook my hand. He looked down the hall to Wheezy, seeming to lose confidence. "Hey... it's ok to be a bit nervous, but you should hurry up." I laughed and he rolled his eyes, running off. I smiled as I watched the two shyly talk to one another. I wanted that someday... to fall in love. I sighed happily and ran off to Wheezy's room, but saw some imps moving my things. "Where are you going!?" They flew away quick with my bag and I tried to keep up, but my ribs hurt so bad, making me groan in pain. "Damnit..." I leaned on the wall, unsure where to go. I caught my breathe and went looking for the imp again, it had oddly went to the boss's office. I looked in to see Devil scolding the imp and shooing it away. The imp flew to me and dropped off my bags. I laughed a bit, catching the Devil's attention.

"Sorry about that, they sometimes run off and do random things." I nodded as he spoke.

"That's completely fine, I just chased after them." I waved goodbye and ran off. I walked down the same hall and leaned against the wall as I saw Wheezy and Chips hug one another, I heard some music play and the  two stayed together, quietly swaying to the slow song. I smiled as I hugged myself gently. Glad I told them to talk it out. The two were calm and happy together... I looked away and ran off to Wheezy's room. I wish I had my own room. I sighed. I lay in bed for a bit to rest my ribs. I sighed and took off my shirt to look over the black and blues over my chest. I rested a while and got dressed and decided to go out to the main casino floor. So many people got upset as a man left our open stage and ran out the casino. I panicked a bit, not wanting to stress the Boss, I hopped on stage. I realized it was one of the casino's nights where someone performed. I sighed a bit. This was going to be a long night. Wheezy noticed and immediately got the orchestra to work.

"Hello Ladies and Gents, I am King Dice, your performer for the night~ I'll be singing for you a song I've adored for years~" I sighed as I waited on Wheezy.

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