Chapter 1

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Y/N Pov

I awoke to the sound of my alarm going off, playing Are you Ready For it by Taylor Swift. I rolled over to the side reaching for my phone on my night stand, groaning as I didn't want to wake up. Checking the time, I saw that it was 6am. Time for the gym.

Slowly I made my way out of bed and headed to my bathroom to brush my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror " Gosh I look like a wreck." After I brushed my teeth, I headed back into my room and chose my attire for the gym. I decided to wear a black pair of Nike leggings and a white  crop top muscle shirt with some Nike trainers. I made my way downstairs and headed to the kitchen to make a protein shake. As I got all the ingredients I needed, I turned around to the blender when I noticed my brother standing underneath the archway of the kitchen. " Hey Dylan, didn't expect to see you up this early." He chuckled at my response, " Well sis, I thought I would join you at the gym and kick your ass!" " Ha yeah right I'd like to see you try."

I'm naturally a competitive person, so even though I knew Dylan was able to do slightly more weight than me, I wasn't going to back down without a fight. " Hey Y/N, I bet you can't do one squat with my weight!" I peered over at his squat rack and saw he had 3 45lb weights on each side, which is 315 pounds. My PR is 295 pounds so what's an extra 20 pounds? " Alright, you're on!" I step up to the bar and crawl under so that it is placed on my shoulders. I lift the bar off the rack and begin squatting until my legs are at a 90 degree angle. As I start to come up, I grunt really pushing myself to stand all the way up, and after a bit of a struggle, I stand up and rack the weight. " BOOM TAKE THAT AHHHHH!" I was genuinely impressed that I was able to do that much weight as well as proud of myself. For the rest of the time in the gym, I felt invincible and continued to push myself through the remainder of the workout. " Wow sis, I guess you kicked my ass today." " Yeah, I kicked your sorry ass to the curb with my maaaaad gunsss!" " Yeah yeah lets just head home."

Once we were back inside, I headed straight for the shower as I was drenched in sweat. I stepped in and let the warm water glide over my toned body. I washed my hair and body and decided it was time to step out of my steamy shower. I got dressed in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and plopped down on my bed with my laptop. Since I am the Queen of procrastination, I figured that I should choose my language class since school starts in 2 weeks. I saw on the University of Washington's website that they added Russian to the curriculum, and that was something I was really interested in since I already knew a lot of the language due to my parents being fluent in it. I clicked the link for the sign up and entered my name and room info before hitting the submit button. After I had all that sorted out, I began to continue packing up my things for move in day.

When I finished up with that, it was already dark out, so I checked the time and saw that the clock read 10:30pm. Jeez, I didn't realize I was organizing for so long. I started to get ready for bed by changing into my pajamas and brushing my teeth, then taking out my laptop again to watch some Netflix. Upon opening my laptop, I saw that I had one unread message. I opened it up and saw that it was from the language department. I opened up the email and it read:

Dear Students,

Thank you for deciding to choose Russian as your foreign language. I am very excited to be bringing this language to UW and broaden students horizons. With that said, I would like to take into consideration the level to which y'all know Russian. Attached is a test document to complete in 3 days.

Best Regards,

Ms. Romanoff

Great. I don't like taking assessments because they make me extremely nervous even if I know the material very well. Better take this now, because knowing me, I'll put it off and then I'd already be on the teacher's bad side. I open up the attached document and begin to answer the multiple choice section first. Wow, ok this isn't too bad. Thank goodness I picked up on the majority of the Russian my parents spoke. The last 8 questions consisted of free response questions, and I was absolutely terrified. I know this is just to see where we are with the language, but I still want to do really well. I put the final touches on the last question and pressed the submit button. I was completely exhausted after this assessment, so I set my alarm for 6am and went to bed hopping I did well.


I groaned as my alarm screamed at me to wake up and head to the gym. I slowly rolled out of my bed stretching when I suddenly remembered my Russian exam results could be ready. Without wasting anymore time, I quickly opened my laptop and saw I had a new message. I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw that it was a email from the Russian teacher, Ms. Romanoff. Great, I thought, I bet I did so bad that I will not be allowed a spot in her class. Hesitantly, I clicked on the email and was shocked by its contents.

Dear Y/N,

I just wanted to commend you on how well you did on my assessment. I made this test hard on purpose, but you still managed to get a 50/50! This is spectacular compared to your fellow classmates average of only 20/50. Congrats and I can't wait to have you join my class in 2 weeks time. We have class Monday Wednesday and Friday from 1-2:20pm.

Best Regards,

Ms. Romanoff

"HOLY SHIT!" I exclaimed. I cannot believe I did that well and that it earned me a personalized email from my professor. 

Well, I think I'm going to enjoy my Russian class.


Hey!! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I'm going to upload the next chapter tmr and hopefully keep up a good schedule while I can!

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