"I'm truly not positive that your Governor's mind is weak enough for that," Vader admitted, having felt the politician was of some mental fortitude. Not great, but enough to resist such tactics. "More to the point, Captain? While the force is powerful, you should not underestimate how effective the more practical and straight forward method of threatening someone's family can be," Vader pointed out. "Regardless, I know what you and the Jedi think of this matter: You're running out of time."

The words reflected the grimness permeating the room perfectly. "Vader, do you believe we will be able depart soon?" Sabe cut straight to the heart of the matter.

"We will be returning on our journey tomorrow, the day after at the latest if the ship proves uncooperative with the repairs," Vader answered simply, surprising them all slightly, but they were steadily becoming accustomed to the efficiency of their dark ally. "If there is nothing else, Your Highness?"

It was phrased as asking permission to leave, but it was evident to everyone it was a courtesy offer. Without good reason, he'd depart regardless of their wishes.

"No, Lord Vader, thank you for your counsel," Sabe granted. With his cape flowing in his wake, the Dark Lord of the Sith departed without another word.

Mos Espa, Arena Hanger

Vader hated, no, utterly despised how much he did NOT hate this specific spot on this hellhole of sand. He only took comfort in knowing any vague fondness for the place was due to it being a place of engineers, practically artisans, using anything they could to make the best high-speed pod-based vehicle they could.

That and this is where he mastered most of his skills with electronics.

He stared frostily at the back of Watto as he spoke with Qui-Gon Jinn not too far from him. He had extremely mixed feelings about Watto, always had. Yes, they had been his slaves, but Watto ranked very low on the chart of cruelty. And he had sold his mother to a man that freed her...which had resulted in her death due to Tusken Raiders...but she lived those years of her life peacefully with loved ones...

Vader shook his head, realizing how messed up a Sith's life story must be if he can't decide if he should truly hate someone he had been enslaved to.


Vader stiffened as he slowly, slowly turned around and stared down at the fair-hair boy staring up at him with wide eyes. The Dark Lord stared down at his younger self, a heavy silence growing in weight with every second as they stood there, unable to look away from each other.

This was off. He rode here with Padme and his mother on a pair of eopies. Why was he by himself?

"...Mister, you are so Wizard," Anakin said with what was definitely awe.

Vader blinked at an agonizing slothful pace, completely refusing the idea he had heard his other-self correctly. Because a child just said that he, Darth Vader, was wizard. Was he insane at that age? Then again...he supposed his image was appealing in a dark and intimidating manner.

"Are you a friend of Qui-Gon?" Anakin asked, eyeing the lightsaber that went unnoticed by most between his cape. Many a would-be assassin had believed the device to just be part of his suit.

The Dark Lord finally managed to gather himself. "An ally, of sorts. I take it you are racing today," Vader mused, glancing up towards the hanger entrance, where he indeed saw the camel-like creatures approaching with Padme and...his mother, along with a childhood friend of his, Kitster. He tore his eyes towards C3PO and R2, the latter pulling the podracer he remembered so vaguely and so clearly at the same time, having built the entire thing himself in one way or another.

Darth Vader: Hero of NabooWhere stories live. Discover now