Team RWBY Battle Royale Part 1

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Wiz: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long. Together, they make up the huntress team of RWBY and together they are nigh-unstoppable.

Boomstick: But in a fight to the death, there can be only one huntress left. Man, the RWBY fan base is not going to be happy with us. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a death battle!

Ruby Rises for a Death Battle

Wiz: In the world of Remnant, you can find many oddities wherever you look

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Wiz: In the world of Remnant, you can find many oddities wherever you look. The soulless creatures of Grimm, the academies that train students to fight these creatures-

Boomstick: -and weapons that turn into guns! There are swords, spears, nunchucks, heck, even guns that turn into guns! How does that work, and where do I get one?

Wiz: Well, the academy students that fight these monsters typically make them on their own. One of which made one of the most complex and deadliest weapons. The owner of this weapon is a young girl named Ruby Rose.

Boomstick: Wait, really!? I get this is an anime, kind of, but there has to be some kind of law against little kids owning gigantic weapons like that.

Wiz: Ruby was, like many others, training to be a huntress, and she was extremely devoted to doing so, following in her older sister Yang's footsteps so she could fight alongside her, training at Signal academy under her incredibly skilled uncle who taught her how to use her weapon.

Boomstick: Until she had a chance meeting with the headmaster of Bacon academy-

Wiz: -'Beacon' academy.

Boomstick: Professor Ozpin. After he saw her skill fighting off a group of robbers and the criminal Roman Torchwick, and seeing something in her eyes, literally, he offered her a chance to join his academy.

Wiz: This would actually play in her favor as this was the academy she yearned to join, making her the youngest student to graduate into this school.

Boomstick: Lucky bastard. The only reason I graduated early was because mama Boomstick pulled out her good ol' negotiator shotgun to "convince" them to let me move up.

Wiz: And you used this opportunity to study 'poultry science'? Sounds like wasted potential.

Boomstick: Sounds like you're just jealous that I'm the one with a PHD and not you.

Wiz: Ugh. Anyway, Ruby quickly and gladly took up this offer, and after completing the entrance exam, setting a forest on fire, meeting her team, and becoming the leader, she was finally ready to start her new life as a huntress. Well, huntress in training but that would change eventually.

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