Chapter 35

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TW: sexual assault

Time flew by and before she knew it, Willow looked at the watch on her wrist only to see that it was already 4 in the morning.
She was sweaty from all the dancing but the hourly shots she took with Lando made her forget about that.

When they played a song she didn't know she left the dance floor - where she had been currently dancing alone since Lando had left her to talk to some girl he supposedly knew - and walked over to George who had made himself comfortable in one of the seating areas.

Willow let herself fall onto George's lap where she instantly relaxed all of her muscles so George had to hold her so she wouldn't fall off.

„I think you drank a little to much, baby" he said with emphasis on the ‚little' and chuckled as she looked at him with tired eyes.
Willow didn't answer, to be fully transparent she really felt the effect of the alcohol since she had left the dance floor. Her head was spinning and she couldn't see clear through the flashing lights.

„Let's get you home, alright?" George said as he  pushed some hair out of her face which she hadn't even noticed being there. He received a wobbly nod as her way of agreeing and then helped her get up. They made their way to the exit with George supporting her with his arm around her waist, although he wasn't able to stop her from inevitably tripping from time to time.

Just as got out of the door and onto the street, Alex appeared in front of them.
„Guys, I need your help. Lando has been puking on the toilet of half an hour and I need to get him home but I can't carry him out here oh my own." The look in Alex' eyes was desperate and although George didn't like leaving Willow alone right now he couldn't leave Alex helpless with Lando either.

„Willow, listen to me. I will be back in 5 minutes maximum. Just wait here on the bench and then we'll drive home ok?" he said slowly and clearly, hoping she heard him, as he sat her down on a bench right in front of the club before he and Alex headed back inside to get Lando.

Willow sat there on the bench frantically looking through her bag to find her phone, as she noticed someone sitting down next to her.
She didn't bother looking over at first as she was too occupied by the search for her phone, but as they scooted closer to her she glanced to her right for a second. It was a man, probably in his late 20s, wearing all black and a can of beer in his hands.

She moved her eyes back to her bag, but as she finally grabbed something that felt like her phone, she felt someone else grabbing her wrist.

„Come here you slut" was the last thing she heard before the stranger took grabbed her brutally and touched her while holding her down.

She tried her best to defend herself but there was no one around to help her and she was too drunk to control her body in a way that could get her out of this.

As her body slowly froze in shock after a futile attempt to get the man off her she felt the mans disgustingly wet mouth touch her neck and jaw and his hand pushing up her dress.

She didn't know what happened next, she didn't want to know anymore.
Then suddenly to voices appeared and the man was ripped off her just as brutal as he had taken advantage of her.

„Willow are you alright?" Alex screamed into her face after he had placed Lando next to her. Willows face was emotionless as she stared past Alex.
Behind him was George who had ripped he guy away from Willow and was now about to let him pay for what he had done. With his fist clenched he took a swing and hit the seemingly drunk guy making him fall to the floor.

Alex watched now too and as George was about to get down to pick up the guy for a second round of his fist in the mans face, Alex jumped up from where he was crouching in front of Willow.

„Is this how you treat women?" George was screaming into the mans face.

„George, stop this. Willow needs you more right now." Alex tried to pull him away. He fought against Alex at first but after hearing her name he saw her in front of his eyes again with this disgusting man on top of her, the helpless look in her eyes and he ran over to her as quickly as he could.

Still breathing heavily and with the knuckles of his right hand bloody he squatted down in front of her and tried to get her to say something.

„Willow? Willow! Are you hurt? Tell me! Please" he tried to desperately get a response out of her but to no success. She just stared at him with empty eyes. She looked so helpless and shocked it hurt George to see her like this.

„I'm getting you home!" he said after he got up and hoped for her to get up as well but it was like she was deaf, like she didn't notice anything that was happening around her.
So after picking up the contents of her bad that we're scattered around the floor under her and putting them back in her bag he bent down again to grab her and carry her to his car.

He sat her in the passenger seat and fastened her seatbelt before getting in himself and driving off quickly.

George looked over to see a lifeless Willow with her head leaned on the car door, looking into the dark streets of London.

Shit!" he started rambling „I'm so sorry! This is all my fault. I should have never let you out there alone. It's my fault you got..." he didn't bring it over himself to say the rest. A tear was rolling down his cheek and soon it was a stream of tears.

In an attempt to connect with her since she stayed silent the whole ride he reached over to put his hand on her knee but as soon as his fingertips came in touch with the delicate skin of her legs she flinched in terror and he quickly pulled his hand back.

As they arrived at George's apartment Willow was asleep so her carried her inside and removed the clothes that she would probably never want to see again from her body and threw them in the bin. After placing her in his bed and covering her with the blanket he went downstairs to call Alex.

„Everything alright with Lando?" he asked first, not knowing how to even talk about the horrible thing that had just happened.

„He's fine. I brought him to my place and he's already sleeping" Alex answered „Is Willow alright... I mean as alright as she can possibly be?"

„She's...she's sleeping" George paused and let out a big sigh „I don't know man... shouldn't we like call the police or something? I don't know what to do" Alex could hear the helplessness and desperation in his voice.

„Don't worry George. They guy was still laying in the floor so I took his wallet and took a picture of his ID so we know who he is and can go to the police with that later. You should go to sleep now, just... just be there for her."

„Thank you, Alex. Really, thank you."

George hung up and made his way to bed as well although he was still to scared to touch her again so he stayed on his side of the bed - something he hadn't done much recently. It was weird sleeping without Willow in his arms but he understood that after experiencing something of that sort the touch of any man would be scary.

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